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Furniture & Interior Decoration
2005 Issue 2
Ecology Introduced to Bathroom
SunJing XingShuMin & ZhangLei
Sanyou Furniture Inheriting the Tradition and Innovating the Design
li li ';'';'au';'cjfq');
Artistic Lighting and Furnishing from VISDANFO(Ⅰ)
Shi Dong
Humanization in Interior Color Design
Lu Chunlian Fu Yuejiao Liu Zhijun Qu Baoxue
Particular Furniture (XIV)--Exaggerate Form Variations
Wang Zhou & Wang Jia
Selections of Decoration for Bed-room
Yu Lihua
Furnishings of Unique Originality (Part 4)
Dong Fang
te bie ti shi :miff2005 nian 3 yue ru qi ju xing
fang zhou ';'';'au';'cjfq');
Selections of Furniture Stand Design
Zhu Zhihong
Wood Seasoning and the Development of China's Traditional Furniture
Xie Qiaoming WuChiyu Li Jiantang & Cao Xinmin
On Cultures of Chinese and Western Architecture
Zhao Huining