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Furniture & Interior Decoration
2005 Issue 1
zhong guo zhi ming jia ju pin pai gao feng lun tan
gu yue ';'';'au';'cjfq');
Ethics of the Furniture Enterprises in New Era
Liu Na
The Psychological Analysis on Furniture Formal Factors
Chi Chunlei
yi jia zhao hui shou chu jia ju
Various and Colorful Fabric Sofa Design
Li Cisheng
Satisfied and Unrestrained--A Space far Oneself
Wang Qiong
Philippine Furniture Showing the Innovative Artistic Ideas(Ⅰ)
Su Xiaofei(Cebu International Furniture & Furnishings Exhibition
Ideas of 2005 Cebux Furniture Show
wang yan lin ';'';'au';'cjfq');
zhong guo jia ju liu tong ye fa zhan lun tan
gu yue ';'';'au';'cjfq');
Reflection on the Prized Nautilus Leisure Sofa
Zou Weihua
Wan Xiaohan's Interior Design Works
Wan Xiaohan
Study on Present Situation of Production of Bamboo Glulam Furniture
Lu Tiane & Li Cisheng
Furnishings of Unique Originality (Part 3)
Dong Fang