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Fujian Construction Science & Technology
2005 Issue 2
A Brief Comment on Residential Environment Design
chen xin-qun
Design of super long shear wall formwork in expansion joint
dong jin-yang
Applicable economic Beautiful-an essay on JiShui Yuan
yang fu-long
The influence of abutment on seismic performancn
lin rui-liang
Green Building Material——SK hight-effect mortar
zhang dibg-lin etal
xin xi duan bo
Analysis of foundation settlement of Pengyuan Edifice
chen gui-zhong
The Study of HY Epoxy Resin Grouting Material
lin ze-wei
Off-shore Pretressed Bored Pile Constuction
Geotechnical Investigation of Jinshan Bridage in Fuzhou
chen kun-song
Cost Control and Manage in Real and Estate Project
lin xiu-zhu