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China Petrochemical Abstracts
2013 Issue 5
Comprehensive Utilization of FCCU Low-temperature Heat
Wang Weihua;SINOPEC Qingdao Pectrochemical Co. Ltd;
Energy-saving Innovation of Diesel Hydrofining Unit
Xue Jinzhao;SINOPEC Xi’an Petrochemical Company;
Energy-saving Renovation on Waste Heat Boiler in FCCU
Chen Liyin;SINOPEC Guangzhou Company;
Discussion of Automobile Diesel Fuels Quality Upgrading
Wang Yantao;Liu Xiaoxin;Zhang Yongkui;SINOPEC Shijiazhuang Refining & Chemical Co.;Ltd.;
Industrial Application of Comprehensive Treatment Technology for Refinery Spent Caustic
Wu Chaohan;Deng Degang;SINOPEC Zhanjiang Dongxing Company;SINOPEC Fushun Research Institute of Petroleum and Petrochemical;
Application Effect of Wet Desulfurization and Dedusting Technology
Li Lin;Ji Bijun;Geng Jie;SINOPEC East China Company;
Commercial Application of FP-DSN Catalyst Sulfur Transfer Additive
Wang Guofeng;Chen Liwei;Guo Lingling;CNPC Jinxi Petrochemical Company;CNPC Refinery of Ningxia Petrochemical Company;Liaoning Petrochemical Vocational and Technical College;
Recovery and Utilization Technologies of Oilfield Associated Gas in China
Cui Xiangyu;Liu Yafeng;Dai Jing;Wang Wensi;Yu Wenhe;CNPC Research Institute of Safety and Environmental Technology;CNPC Sunshine Property Management Limited;China University of Petroleum;
di cheng ben bo ji co2 de xin gong yi
su lin shun ;
Feasibility Analysis of Solar Thermal Utilization in Single Well
Guan Junling;SINOPEC Northwest Oilfield Branch;
zhong guo shi hua ti qian qi dong zhi huan guo qi you
hu qing ming ;
li yong hai zao sheng chan yuan you de xin gong yi
shi hua xin ;
jia qing lie hua ji shu xin jin zhan
shi hua xin ;
chou ti zheng liu xin gong yi de shou ci gong ye ying yong
su lin shun ;
ri ben yi shang ye hua co zhi yi er chun ji shu
tian shun hua ;