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Theory and Practice of Education
2016 Issue 22
Educational Justice and Justicial Education :Differentiation and Integration of Two Research Paradigms
XIE Rui-hong;School of Education Science;Nanjing Normal University;
The Discussion about the Philosophical Foundation of the Value Education——From the View of Chinese Traditional Philosophy
LI Qian-fu;ZHAO Jin-yuan;School of Marxism;Dali University;
Cultural Transcendence and Promotion of National Cultural Soft Power in the Educational Exchange
CHEN Lei;LI Hong-Wu;School of Education;Shaanxi Normal University;
On the Connotation,Characteristics and Implementation Strategies of Higher School Educational Plan Management
WANG Chuan-jin;HE Yu-hai;Changzhou Institute of Technology;Higher Education Research Institute;Shanghai Normal University;
The Identity of Class Leaders and Its Logic of Construction
DU Ming-feng;Department of Education;East China Normal University;
On the Paths of Education Reform in the Digital Age
CHENG Huan-di;School of Education;Hebei Normal University;
Orientation and Development Path of Entrepreneurship Education
LI-Chang Ping;LV-An Lin;FANG Liang;Jinzhong University;Institute of Public Administration;Shanxi Agricultural University;
On the Characteristics of Education in Singapore and Its Enlightenment to China
SU Bin;Shanxi Polytechnic College;
The Role of Teachers’ Discourse——From the Perspective of Social Constructivism
LI Xue-jiao;School of Education;Central China Normal University;
Teacher·Leisure·Teacher Education
XIE Jian-tuan;WANG Ming;School of Education;Shaanxi Normal University;Faculty of Education;Beijing Normal University;
Research on Teachers’ Professional Learning Community: Background,Connotation and Value Implication
LI Shi-juan;DAI Jian-jun;Research Institute of Education;Jiangsu Normal University;Office of Teaching Affairs;Jiangsu Normal University;
Study on the Path of Teachers’ Professional Development from the Perspective of Attribution Theory
ZHANG Cheng-li;Department of Foreign Language;Xinzhou Teachers University;
Generative Teaching: Methodological Concern for Practical Lag
ZHU Jiang-hua;School of Education;Shaanxi Normal University;
A Study on the Mathematics Course Link Based on Students’ Core Accomplishments
ZHANG Jun-zheng;Shanxi Educational Scientific Research Institute;
Criticism of Disembodiment Teaching Culture and Surpassing it——From the Perspective of Embodied Cognition Theory
ZHOU Hai-tao;XIAN Jun-feng;School of Education Science;Xinjiang Normal University;Lianghua Middle School of Huidong County;Guangdong Province;
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