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Reporting of Standardization
2000 Issue 1
qian xi xian dai ce hui yu xin xi ji shu
li jian an
word97 shi yong ji qiao liu ze
tang hong mei
qi ye xu jia kuai iso 9000 ren zheng de bu fa
jin xiao ping
The Probe into Sampling Method of Wheat Flour in Bags
sun yu xiang (institute of product quality inspection and supervision of gansu provincial dingxi area)
Checking Work of Technical Supervision Department after Organizations Reombination
xu hu nian (inspection department; bureau of xinjiang hetian area quality and technical supervision)
The GM(1,1) Model of Pesticide Degradation
qi shu hua; liu yu hong; wang zeng hui; jia hong zhen (jilin agricultural university)
dai ma zheng nian jian de kun nan he dui ce
zhou quan shui
Correctly Use of Marking Method of Symmetry Construction and It's Calculation of Tolerance
cheng xiang yin (tongchuan colliery mechanical factory)
Designing of Library Routine Work Management System Based on C/S Structure
zheng gang (anhui institute of mechanical and electric engineering)
Study on the Methods for Collection and Process of Storage Reliability and Setting up of Forecasting Model of Storage Failure
ruan jin yuan 1 ; ruan xin 2 (1.ordnance institute of general equipment department; 2.hebei province weather bureau)
qi ye biao zhun hua de zai si kao
li lin
chun xiao mai gan chun 20 hao zai pei ji shu gui cheng
zhang zuo zhong ; sheng chang cun
Standard Work and Electronic Product Design
ding xiao dong (no.45 institute; ministry of information industry)