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2016 Issue 9
High Speed Data Transport Technology for Datacenter Network
QIN Xuan-long;LI Da-gang;DU Zheng;CHEN Yuan-lei;School of Electronic and Computer Engineering;Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School;Department of High Performance Computing;National Supercomputing Center in Shenzhen;
The Design and Implementation of Laboratory Progress Management System Based on Wiki
DENG Zhi;WANG Tao-chun;LIU Na;College of Mathematics and Computer Science;Anhui Normal University;
Smartphone-based Indoor Pedestrian Platform for Network Measurement
ZHAO Jin;WANG Yu;School of Information and Communication Engineering;Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications;
Measurement of Thrombelastography Based on Differential Inductive Angular Displacement Transducer
QIAN Jun;SUN Hai-xuan;CHEN Yi-bo;LIANG Wei-guo;LU Shi-hao;WANG Bi-dou;Suzhou Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Technology;CAS;
Study on Soil Contamination During In Ternet Plus Era
HAN Rui-xiang;PEI Qian;HU Meng-hui;GONG Dian-xuan;Mathematical modeling laboratory;North China University of Science and Technology;
Based on the Entropy Method Optimal Allocation Strategy of Goodgrant Fund
JIANG Bao-sheng;WU Fei;ZHANG Jing-yi;GONG Dian-xuan;North China University of science and technology;Mathematical modeling innovation laboratory;North China University of science and technology;Collegeof Science;
Comparision and Implementation of Serveral MOOC-Based Text Classification
LIU Xin-hao;TAN Qing-ping;ZENG Ping;TANG Guo-fei;Academy of Computer Science and Technology;National University of Defense Technology;
The Research on the Method of Specific Family Structure Matching Based on the Kinship Network
ZHANG Xia;GUO Rui-qiang;GAO Jing-wei;WANG Guo-qiang;XUE Shao-tong;Hebei Normal University;Key Laboratory of Computational Mathematics and application;
Extraction of Vehicle Llicense Pplate Based on Spiking Neuron Networks
LI Juan-chen;Oriental College;Fujian Agriculture And Forestry University;
The Key Techniques Research in Numerical Weather Prediction
CHEN Xiao-yan;JIANG Rui;LIU Jun;ZHANG Kun;College of Ocean Information Engineering;Hainan Tropical Ocean University;Xinyang Normal University Library;Network Department;Electronics Engineering Institute of PLA;
Research on Big Data Storage Platform for Iron and Steel Enterprises Based on Hadoop
WANG Zhuo;XIN Xing;Yin Xiao;CHANG Jin-cai;College of Sciences;North China University of Science and Technology;The Key Laboratory of Data Science and Applications of Hebei Province;
Empirical Study of Applying of Data Mining Technology in Scientific Research Archives
CHEN Yu-liang;ZHANG Dai-hua;Archives of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology;Information Center of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology;
Research and Implementation of Scientific Research Collectivize Operation Support System
LIU Yong-qing;JIAO Yan-bin;WANG Ming;WANG Xuan;LI Hai-yan;Its information and communication industry group co.;LTD.;
Development of Mobile Communication Systems
CHU Guang-qian;CAO Yan;ZHAO Yong;School of Information Science Electrical Engeering;Shandong Jiaotong University;Shandong Aotai Electric Co.;Ltd;Electric Power Research Institute;State Grid Shandong Electric Power Company;
Visual Inference of Causal Relationships Between Attributes Based on Attribute Topology
LIU Wen-yuan;FENG Chun-hui;ZHANG Tao;HONG Wen-xue;College of Information Science and Engineering;Yanshan University;College of Electrical Engineering;Yanshan University;
A Fuzzy-Based Effect Evaluation Model for Training Simulation
ZHENG Na-e;ZHAO Zhi-hao;Ren Xiu-kun;CHEN Song;Institute of Navigation and Space Target Engineering;The PLA Information Engineering University;
Study of the Mobile Phone one Through Card Based on NFC in Intelligent City
WANG Yong-jian;ZHU Yun-qi;LI Shu-sen;China International Telecommunication Construction Group Design Institute Co.Ltd;China International Telecommunication Construction the Fourth Engineering Bureau Co.Ltd;
Obstacle Detection Method Based on Hough Line Feature
GUO Wen-jun;CHANG Gui-ran;QIAO Shi-dong;College of Mathematics and Computer Science;Shanxi Datong University;Computing Center;Northeastern University;
3D Real-time Display System of Dynamic Data Based on B/S Mode
GUO Hui;Shanxi Vocational College of Tourism;
Multi-Authority Attribute Based Encryption Optimized for Cloud Conputing
JIANG Di;SONG De-peng;Department of Electronic Technology;Engineering University of PAP;Department of Information Engineering;Engineering University of PAP;
Study on Monitoring Sleep State Based on Measurement of Breath Sound
LUO Yu-zhou;JIANG Zhong-wei;LIU Bei-bei;XU Fang;Micro Mechatronics Laboratory;Graduate School of Science and Engineering;Yamaguchi University;Shanghai-Hamburg College;University of Shanghai for Science and Technology;Planning and Development Department;University of Shanghai for Science and Technology;
Design and Implement of WebDriver Based Crawler
SHI Yong-kun;North China Institute of Computing Technology;
Design of Remote Monitoring System Oriented End-users
LV Xue-fang;PING Tao;The Information-technology Management Department;Shandong Foreign Trade Vocational College;Qingdao Institute of Bioenergy and Bioprocess Technology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Research of Disaster Recovery System of Multi-point and Multi-backup
FU Si-da;LIN Zhong;WANG Fu-xi;GAO Bin-na;North China Institute of Computing technology;
Overview of Wireless Sensor Network
CHEN Hao;China Institute of Industrial Relations;
Research on The Selection Strategy of UAV Communication Link in The Space-Earth Integration Network
LV Si-yun;School of electronic engineering;Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications;
Remote Upgrade of Solaris and Progress Tracking Design
YU Yang;College of Communication and Signal Processing;Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications;
Research and Implementation of Text Categorization System Based on VSM and ML
ZHANG Zhi-qiang;CETC 15 Institute;
Design and Implementate Surveying Geographic Information System Base on ArcGis Server
WANG Xin-jian;estate trade center;Zhenjiang;
Research on Data Asset Management Model Based on IT Planning
ZHANG Xiang-wen;YU Hai-bo;Guan Zi-ao;Beijing CLP information technology limited company;
Optimization and Implementation of MQ Encoder of JPEG2000 in DSP
ZHANG Hao-yu;XU Jian-jun;ZHANG Nan;Academy of Computer Science and Technology;National University of Defense Technology;
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