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2016 Issue 3
Chaos Particle Swarm Optimization with Dynamic Adjustment of Inertia Weight
ZHAO Nai-gang;Shanxi Datong University;College of Mathematics & Computer Science;
New Method of Interest Discovery Based on Fuzzy Set
JIA Jun-fang;WANG Xiu-yi;ZHENG Jian-xing;School of Mathematics and Computer Science;Shanxi Datong University;School of Computer and Information Technology;Shanxi University;
Research on the Service Patterns of Information System Security Evaluation of the Internet of Things
CHEN Xing;HUO Shan-shan;LIU Jian;Information Technology & Security Test and Evaluation Center;
The Kernel-level Protection System of Windows
MENG Chen-yu;SHI Yuan;WANG Jia-wei;ZHOU Jie;KANG Xiao-feng;Xuzhou Institute of Technology;
The System of Fresh Vegetables Product Quality and Safety Traceability Design and Implementation
PU Yong-xian;Computer Science Dept .Dehong Teachers’ college;
Optimum Packing of Rectangles Based on Simulated Annealing and Surplus Rectangle
QUAN Xue-feng;SHEN Ji-tao;Department of Health Management;Nanyang Medical College;
Design and Implementaion of Mobile Education Platform Based on Android
SHEN Jin-xiang;BAO Mei-ying;School of Mathmatics and Computer Science;Shanxi Datong University;
Study on Teaching Reform about Program Design Courses
SHI Jian-lan;HUANG Wen-xiu;Dong Fang College;Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University;
HSV Color Space Quantization Image Retrieval Method for Tibetan Carpet
SUN Qi-long;ZHANG Ming-liang;Qinghai University For Nationalities;Department of Computer;
Experimental Study on the Detection of Tropical Fruit Quality Based on Electronic Nose Technology
WANG Yu-fei;TAN Mei-er;XU Gui-xiang;College of Computer Engineering;Hainan Tropical Ocean University;
Designa of Automatic License Plate Recognition System based on MATLAB GUI
YAO Nan;GENG Qi;Nan Hang Jin Cheng College;
Query System Based on Modern Urban Subway Java Program Design
ZHANG Wan-zhen;WU Cui;XIAO Jia-yu;College of Computer Engineering;Hainan Tropical Ocean University;
Research on Message Transfer System
ZHANG Yong;PEI Dong-liang;ZHANG Hui-bing;North China Institute of Computing Technology;State Grid Henan Electric Power Corporation Maintenance Company;Guangxi Key Laboratory of Trusted Software;Guilin University of Electronic Technology;
Research on Traceability for Information Leakage in Paper-Based Document
WANG Hai-bin;Fu Tao;School of Computer & Software;Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology;Jiangsu Engineering Center of Network Monitoring;Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology;Jiangsu Elextec Software Tech.Co.;Ltd;
Multinational Country Face Expression Changes
LIU Jin-yu;WEI Wei;LI Zhen-yuan;Department of Computer Science and Engineering;Dalian Min Zu University;
A Survey on Hybrid Parameters Methods of Indoor Wireless Positioning Technology
ZONG Yu-lei;LV Pin-pin;LI Ke;ZHAO Yi;College of Navigation and Aerospace Target Engineering;PLA Information Engineering;Communication Engineering College;PLA Information Engineering;
The Application Research of Data Mining in University English Scores Forecasting
LUAN Hong-bo;WEN Fu-an;Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications;School Of Network Education;
Rectangle-disk Coupled Resonator Waveguide Filter
WU De-chang;YANG Shu;School of science;Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications;
Verification of Program Based on the Key Platfrom
XIA Xin-kai;CHEN Dong-huo;Soochow University;Department of Computer and Technique;
The Design of High Performance Massive Data Query System Based on K/V Index
YANG Cong-jun;AI Zhong-liang;LIU Zhong-lin;LI Chang-bao;North China Institute of Computing Technology;
A Kind of High-priority Job Scheduler Implementation based on YARN
ZHAN Wen-tao;AI Zhong-liang;LIU Zhong-lin;LI Chang-bao;GAO Ze;North China Institute of Computing Technology;
Massive Data Processing Algorithm Based on LOD Control and Out-of-Core Techniques
GU Run-nan;AI Zhong-liang;General Department;North China Institute of Computing Technology;
The Design and Implementation of General and Dynamic Privilege Management Model
LIU Li-qin;North China Institute of Computing Technology;
Research on the Control Method of the Ground Transmission Flow of Satellite Data Based on the Token Bucket Algorithm
YANG Dong;SUN Jian-wei;Fifteenth Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation;
A Good Tool for Making Micro Lecture——Adobe Captivate
GU Xiao;FAN Yuan-wei;University of Shanghai for Science and Technology Institute of School of Management;
Time Sequence Simulation and Device Drive Writing Application in Digital Loigc Circuits Practical Teaching
ZHANG Ling;YAN Bo-wu;School of Computer;Hubei Polytechnic University;
Research on the Application of Docker in Software Development Process
GAO Li;GAO Xin;School of Electrical and Information Engineering;Anhui University of Science and Technology;
A New LOD Method Based on an Improved Octree Index Structure for the Visualization of Massive Point Cloud
WANG Lei;GUO Qing-ju;JIANG Han;The Electronic and Information Engineering Department of Jining Polytechnic;The Information Management Department of Hainan College of Software Technology;
The Denture Production Quality Control System based on PDCA
YANG Zhen-yu;WU Xi;Qingyuan Polytechnic;Nanning City unlimited beauty medical supplies Co.;Ltd.;
Design of a New Vehicles’ Monitoring and Controlling System Based on WebGIS
LEI Gang;Nan Chong Central Hospital;
The Role of the Internet of Things in Maintenance of Public Security
SU Xiao-yu;The seventh middle school of Cheng Du;
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