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Frontier Science
2010 Issue 2
A Few Ponderings on Frontier Issues of Life Science
zhang daomin(qingdao university; qingdao 266071)
yan jiu jie kai huo xing bei ji da xia gu cheng yin
xiao wen
ke xue jia fa xian guo ying fei xing zhuan xiang ji li
wang xiao long
Recent Advances in Studies on Brain and Language Cognition
wang man1; jiang minghu1; 2; wang lin3(1 lab of computational linguistics; school of humanities and social sciences; tsinghua university; beijing 10084; china; 2 center of psychology and cognitive science; school of humanities and social sciences; tsinghua university; beijing 10084; china; 3 biomedical eng.; center; school of electronic eng.; beijing university of posts and telecommunications; beijing 200876; china)
A Study on the Common Physical Mechanism of the Triaxial Ttrain Structure and Earthquake Preparation
zhou youhua; hu fengxiang; yan weiming; tong yingshi; rao yunjie; hong xun; wu shuai(earthquake administration of hunan province; changsha 410001; china)
Theorem of Loewenheim-Skolem's type and Theorem of Herbrand's type for L(w1,w)
yang anzhou(chengdu institute of computer application; chinese academy of science; sichuan; 610041; china)
gu li da dan tan suo pei yang ling jun ren cai qian yan ke xue chuang kan san zhou nian zuo tan hui fa yan zhai yao
li ning ; zhang jing ; cao bing li ; zhao wen hong ; zhang ya zuo
The question on "Nearly all Mersenne numbers and Fermat numbers are primes"
shi yongjin1; li jianhua2(1 faculty of resources; china university of geosciences; wuhan 430074; china; 2 school of mathematical sciences; the university of adelaide; sa 5005; australia)
Natural Rong-jie State——Hypothesis of Evolution Based on Natural information
lin zuoming(aviation industry corporation of china; beijing 100022)
du zhe lai xin
dong jing feng
The Research of Mersenne Primes Based on Distributed Computing
qi chen1*; li feng2(1 network and information technology center; zhongshan university; guangzhou; 510275; china; 2 school of science and technology; sophia university; tokyo; 102-8554; japan)
fang song xin qing you zhu ti gao ji yi li
chai zuo
ke xue jia fa xian xin xing lei ren dong wu hua shi
ren hai jun