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Frontier Science
2010 Issue 1
Challenging Climate Change:Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage
Liu Yu;Cao Jiang;Zhu Shengbao
bai nian zhong guo ren kou
song zuo
Some Results on Algebra and Number Theory
Wang Shiqiang1 Shi Jing2
da xue yao you du te de ling hun
Fundamental Revision of Einstein's Theory of Relativity——Relativistic Mechanics Based on Variable Speed of Light
Hua Di [Stanford University Russian Academy of Astronautics]
The Hypothesis of Electric Pair for the Origin of Gravity
Chen Jianguo1;Dong Jingfeng2
A Model for Localized Information Literacy Education
Zhao Feng-juan1 ;Song Ying2
wo guo ren zao pi fu kai shi lin chuang shi yan
zou zheng chun ; zhao xue