A matrix model of forest ecological services compensation
hua guo-dong~1; cai zhi-jian~2(1.guangdong forestry exploration and design institute; guangzhou 510033; china; 2.dept. of economy and management; nanjing forestry univ.; nanjing 210037; china)
Genetic variation of geographical provenance and nonage selection of Fokienia hodginsii
lin feng~(1; 2); hou bo-xin~2; cheng zheng-hong~2; yu ge-fei~2; zhang xin-hua~3; long jing-ren~4; tao shen-mian~4(1.central south forestry univ.; zhuzhou 412006; china; 2.hunan forestry academy ; changsha 410004; china; 3.forestry department of hunan province; changsha 410007; china; 4.forestry bureau of suining county; suining 422600; china)