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Science & Technology for Development
2012 Issue 7
Intellectual Property Regime System under the International Trade Policies
An Baisheng; Department of WTO Affairs; Ministry of Commerce of People’s Republic of China; Beijing 100731
Analysis on the Theories of Chinese IP Management
Peng Chunyan; Chinese Academy of Science and Technology for Development; Beijing 100038
Study on the Cooperative Innovation and Intellectual Property Rights Management
Liu Haibo; Li Liming; Institute of Policy and Management; CAS; Beijing 100190
Discuss on the Strategic Significance of Intellectual Property Industry
Li Liming; Liu Haibo; Institute of Policy and Management; CAS; Beijing 100190
Development, Challenges and Options of Intellectual Property Management in China’s Agricultural Sector
Song Min; Liu Lijun; China Center for Intellectual Property in Agriculture; Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences; Beijing 100081
Developing and Practicing Internationally Accepted Professional Intellectual Property Management and Technology Transfer ——Case Studies of The Office of Technology Transfer at SIBS and Sinoipro IP Management and Technology Transfer Ltd. Co.
Zong Gang; Hu Xiaofang; Zhao Baohong; The Office of Technology Transfer at SIBS; Sinoipro IP Management and Technology Transfer Ltd. Co.; Shanghai 200031
The Intellectual Property Work of National Research Institutes in the View of National Intellectual Property Strategy
Li Xiaojuan; Institute of Computing Technology; CAS; Beijing 100190
Studies on the Intellectual Property Rights Commissioner System in Chinese Academy of Science
Xiao Youdan; Institute of Policy and Management; CAS; Beijing 100190
Discussion on Strengthening Intellectual Property Training at the Chinese Academy of Sciences
Li Xiling; Lv Xuning; Institute of Policy and Management; CAS; Beijing 100190
On the Formulation and Implementation of China National Intellectual Property Strategy
Zhang Zhicheng; Division of Protection and Coordination; SIPO; Beijing 100088
yao wu na mi shu song xi tong
gao xing neng ji suan ji qun zuo ye diao du yu ji fang huan jing zhi biao bian hua de yan jiu
zhang rui hong tu xiao guang zhao zhi wei zhang heng chai bao qiang liu guang ming
xuan suo qiao cheng qiao zhuang tai jie gou shou li fen xi
deng ze cheng xu li hong
ke shi ji wen du kong zhi xi tong she ji chu tan
gao ying
huo zai yu huo zheng
cang su
ZK energy
ji shu shi chang