Fabric Pattern Elements Retrieval Based on Cosine Transform
ZHAO Hai-ying;JIA Geng-yun;TAN Xin;School of Information and Communication Engineering;Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications;Mobile media and cultural calculation Key Laboratory of Beijing;Century College;Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications;
Analysis of Multi-Scale Fractal Dimension for Image Interpolation
YAO Xun-xiang;ZHANG Yun-feng;LIU Geng;BAO Fang-xun;ZHANG Cai-ming;School of Computer Science & Technology;Shandong University of Finance and Economics;Shandong Provincial Key Laboratories of Digital Media Technology;School of Mathematics;Shandong University;School of Computer Science and Technology;Shandong University;
Design of an Electric Forklift
FAN Jie;YANG Shan-chun;WANG Cai;ZHANG Chao;ZHANG Li;Hefei Huaxin Electric Technology Development Co.Ltd;School of Machinery and Automobile Engineering;Hefei University of Technology;Engineering Research Center of Safety-critical Industry Measure and Control Technology of Ministry of Education;
Digital Design of Multi-Functional Rehabilitation Robot
JIANG Shi-hong;FAN Jie;ZHANG Chao;YANG Shan-chun;WU Zhuang;ZHANG Li;School of Machinery and Automobile Engineering;Hefei University of Technology;Hefei Huaxin Electric Technology Development Co.Ltd.;Engineering Research Center of Safety-critical Industry Measure and Control Technology of Ministry of Education;