Optimal parameterization of conic curves
JIANG Li;HU Fanggang;WANG Yong;LI Yurong School of Information Science and Engineering; Shandong Normal University Jinan 250014; China College of Basic Sciences; Changchun University of Technology;Changchun 130012; China School of Computer Science and Technology; Shandong Institute of Business and Technology;Yantai 264005; China
Interpolation and approximation for data living on manifold surfaces
HU Jianping 1) 2) ; LIU Xiuping 3) ; WANG Xiaochao 3) ; XIE Qi 1) 1) School of Science; Northeast Dianli University; Jilin 132012; China 2) Key Laboratory of Symbolic Computation and Knowledge Engineering of Ministry of Education; Jilin University; Changchun 130012; China 3) School of Mathematical Sciences; Dalian University of Technology; Dalian 116024; China