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Science and Technology of Henan Communication
2000 Issue 1
xin xi san ze
A Case of Repairing the Defect of Drilling Hole Pour Pile by the Method of “Rotating Spray”
guo liuhong (highway administration bureau of henan transportation department)
Brief Information of Traffic Signboard Construction and Supervision of XuChang-Luohe Highway Project
chu wang (xu luo manager department of no.18 railroad ministry 4th bureau)
The Application of the Calculation of Fast Route Determination on Coordinate
du yuewu (transportation department of puyang)
Analysis on the Design of Intelligent Building
liu wei (henan communication plan; survey and design institute)
The Application of“Arch Supporting”to Reinforcing,Widening and Improving of Loading of the Old Arch Bridge
hao xingzhou (nanyang communications planning; survey and design institute)
On the Development of Expressway Coach Transportation
cao yanhong (northern university of communications)
The Forecasts and Analysis of passenger Demands in Henan
lai xiaofeng (henan transportation school)
The Advanced Automobile OBD—Ⅱ Diagnosis System
zhu xuejun (henan school of communications)
Summary on the Experiment and Benefits of the Pressure Mud Technique on the Base of the Drilling Hole Pour Pile
zhang qi (luoyang communications infrastructure construction quality examine and supervise division)
The Hardware Selection of Non stop Toll System and Working Principle of Live Control System
liu zhiyong (zhengzhou highway administration section)
The Development and Application of Battery Used on Electric Powered Automobile
deng yinbei (zhengzhou university)
Discuss the Design of DaYu River Bridge
yue jianguang (henan communications planning survey and design instiute)
Research on the Quality,Selection and Appointment of Project Manager
li zhiding (northern communications university)
The Impact of the Quality of Highway Construction Inspectors on the Inspection work of Highway Construction
xia lianxue (henan school of communications)
Renovation of Dangerous Bridges on the Local Narrow Track Railway
zhang yingzhou (henan local railway bureau)
The Design and Construction of Gravitational Anchor Rod Retaining Wall
luo keqing (first project section of the eleventh bureau of railway ministry)
Calculational Program of Coping Elevation for Free Plate-girder Curve Bridge
wang zhenrong (henan communications planning; survey and desing institute)
Analysis and Discussion of the Bidding for Quoting Price Evaluation and Determination of the Road building Project
yue xiaoqin (henan province traffic engineering rationing station)