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Science and Technology of Henan Communication
1999 Issue 1
Comparison of Design Project about Guiwang Interchange
wu ping (henan communications planning; survey and desing institute)
chuang xin shi zhi shi jing ji de ling hun
che tong zhi ; zhang qing xia
Calculating about the Cross Clearance Distance of Horizontal Curve Stadia
jiang lingling (henan communications research institute)
Analysis and Investigate of Asphalt Pavement Thickness for Expressway in Our Country
zhang xiaobing (henan communications department)
Simple Discuss the Layout of Expressway Survey
li zheng (henan highway engineering bureau)
Utility Design Method of Free Beam Curve Bridge in Expressway
tang yi (henan communications infrastructure construction quality examine and supervise division)
zhi neng yun shu xi tong de fa zhan yu si kao
liu jin lan ; li dong ; wang jin yan
High level Asphalt Pavement Structure Layer Style and Characteristic
chang chuangxin (henan high level highway construction supervision department)
Development and Present Situation of Highway Maintain Machine in Our Country and Abroad
ren xiufong (highway administration bureau of henan transportation department)
Skill in Highway and Bridge with AUTOCAD12.0
hao xingzhou (nan yang communications planning; survey and design institute)
Construction Experience of Nanjin Airport Expressway
tian huongfa (construction headquarter of nanjin airport expressway)
Calculate System of Asphalt Pavement Design
zhang liang (transportation college of southeast university)