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Finance & Trade Economics
2003 Issue 3
lun qi ye dao de guan li jian she
zhang xin guo
lun xin yong zhi du yu zheng fu zuo yong
ren sen chun
Evaluation on Fiscal System and Policy since 1998
l wei (public policy research center dongbei university of finance & economics; 116025 )
An Empirical Study on the Contributions of China's securities industry and listed companies to GDP
hu guanjin (guosen securities co.; ltd; 518001)
Some Issue on Internationalization of Secuirties Market
nie qingping (secretary general of the secuirties association of china; 100032)
xin zi ben xie yi ping xi yu wo guo yin xing ye de ce lue qu xiang
zhang tian qiang ; ma yong
Price Management:Current Situation,Problems and Thoughts on Deepening the Reform
project team (institute of finance and trade economics; cass; 100836)
Macroeconomic Policy in Retrospection and the Design of Transition Framework
zhou tianyong (school of central committee of communist party of china; 100091)
Finance in Hungary:Latest Development and the Enlightenment
he dexu li zhao xie lili wu bolong (chinese academy of social sciences1; 100732)
fa zhan jing ji xue de xin fa zhan ping jia
chen xue mei
tai wan min jian jin rong de fa zhan yu yan bian
huang jia zuo ; xie rui qiao