Minitype designing of shipbord electric gate valve
zhang xiang-bin1; qu sheng2; zhang meng2; sun lin3(1.representative department for forming complete sets of naval ships in the a rea of shenyang; shenyang 110025; china; 2.navy furnishment in shenyang bureau; shenyang 110000; china; 3.navy military representative department resident in no.431 plant; huludao 1250 04; china)
Failure mechanism of ultra-high pressure needle valve
yuan ge-xia 1; 2 ; duan xu-chang3; qian xue-mei4; yang gong-m ing5(1.college of mechanism and electronic engineering; northwest sci-tech unive rsity of agriculture and forestry; yangling; 712100; china; 2.department of mechanism and electronic engineering; baoji colleg of arts and science; bao ji 721007; china; 3.college of food science and engineering; northwest sci-tech u niversity of agriculture and forestry; yangling; 712100; china; 4.ningbo branch of ordnance science institute of china; ningbo 315103; china; 5.c ollege of food science; south china agricultural university; wushang 510642; china)