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The Chinese Academic Medical Magazine of Organisms
2002 Issue 4
Progress of researches on systematic and biodiversity in the genus Nitraria L.
PAN Xiao-yun1;CAO Qin-dong2;WEI Qiu-shi3;WANG Gen-xuan1123
Progress in the Constituent Research for MedicinalPurposes of the Plants about Elsholtzia willd.
L Jin-shun1;ZHANG Jing-qiong1;ZHENG Shang-Zhen2;SHEN Xu-Wei212
Metallothionein And Human Diseases
LIN Lin;DING Wen-yong;REN Feng ;ZHAO Bao-chang
Research Advances in Production and Application of Trehalose
ZENG Guo-qu;LIANG Jian-qing;YE Zhi-hua
Research and Development of immune milk
LI Guo-qiang;PANG Guang-chang;LING Xue-ping
Pharmacokineticsof berberine
Q Qin-mei;ZHANGMing-fa
Allele-specific diagnostic PCR authentication of D. hancockii from the other Dendrobium species
DING Xiao-yu1;ZHANG Wei-ming 2;BAO Shu-lin1;CHANG Jun112
Study of phosphate Absorption and Distribution Characteristicsin Flue-cured Tobacca by Using 32P
QIANG Ji-ye;LI Fu-lin;LI Yong-zhong;ZHANG Guang-yong
A kind of plant with excellent resource—the reports of sankezhens quality research
MA Zhi-gang1 ;FAN Ai-ying212
Lactic acid bacteria and its Utilization on Human being health
HUI Feng-li;WEI Ming-hui
Quantitative analysis of kinetic turbidimetric limulus testfor bacterial endotoxin in catalyst
YI Quan1 ;XIAO Gui-nan2 ;ZHANG Gui-ping112
Effects of YangXinShi Pian on pharmacokinetics of cyclosporine A
LIANG Dong-sheng;YUAN Jin-hua;ZHU Xiu-mei;WANG Chun-yan;XU Xia;LI Ming-chun;LI Zhi-qiang
Studies on the planting of Dendrobium officinale
YUAN Zheng-fang1;ZHANG Wei-ming2;DING Xiao-yu3;ZHANG Su-feng1123
The study of fractal structure of chondroitin sulfate by AF
MXIA Ke;CAI Ji-ye**
li xiang de diao xue zhi xing kang dong mai zhou yang ying hua yao - luo fa ta ting
wang jian ; wang chen ming ; yang ying
zheng gao yao qiu