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China Nuclear Science and Technology Report
1999 Issue S1
Thermal Neutron Capture Data Evaluation for A = 1-19
zhou chunmei (china nuclear data center; ciae; beijing 102413)
construction of covariance matrix for absolute fission yield data measurement
liu tingjin sun zhengjun(china nuclear data center; beijing 102413)
Evaluation of Activation Cross Sections for (n,2n) and (n,γ) Reactions on ~(63,65,Nat)Cu
ma gonggui (institute of nuclear science and technology; sichuan univ.; chengdu 610064)
evaluation of neutron cross sections for ~(115)in
zhao jingwu su weining (department of physics; nanjing university; nanjing; 210093)
calculation and analysis of n+~(69,71)ga reaction
zhang songbai yu baosheng (china nuclear data center; ciae)zhang zhenjun (department of physics; northwest university; xi an)
evaluation of capture cross sections for ~(135 138)ba
zhao jingwu su weining(department of physics; nanjing university; nanjing; 210093)
Nuclear Data Sheets For ,A = 195
zhou chunmei(china nuclear data center; ciae; beijing 102413)
evaluation of neutron cross sections for ~(105,108)pd
su weining zhao jingwu (department of physics; nanjing university; nanjing; 210093)
measurement of double differential cross sections for ~(39)k(n, )~(36)cl reaction
zhang guohui tang guoyou chen jinxiang shi zhaomin liu guangzhi (institute of heavy ion physics; peking university; beijing 100871; china)yu. m. gledenov m. sedysheva g. khuukhenkhuu (joint institute for nuclear research; dubna 141908; russia)chen zemin chen yingtang zhang xuemei yuan jing (department of physics; tsinghua university; beijing 100084; china)
evaluation of cross sections for ~(103)rh
zhao jingwu su weining (department of physics; nanjing university; nanjing; 210093)
evaluation and testing of coupled channel optical potentials and its parameters for n+~(238 242)pu and ~(241,242)am
wang shunuan (china institute of atomic energy; beijing 1024513)
Theoretical Calculations of All Reactions for n+~(151)Eu, ~(153)Eu, ~(154)Eu and ~(155) Eu in E_n=0.001-20 MeV
ge zhigang(china nuclear data center; beijing 102413)
Activation Cross Section Measurements for ~(93)Nb(n,2n) ~(92g)Nb Reaction Induced by 14 MeV Neutron
li gongping kong xiangzhong yang jingkang (department of modern physics; lanzhou university; lanzhou; 730000)
Differential Cross Section Measurement for ~(6)Li(n,t)~(4)He Reaction at 3.67 and 4.42 MeV
zhang guohui tang guoyou chen jinxiang shi zhaomin liu guangzhi (institute of heavy ion physics; peking university; beijing; 100871; china)zhang xuemei chen zemin (department of physics; tsinghua university; beijing 100084; china)yu. m. dledenov m. sedysheva g. khuuknenkhuu (joint institute for nuclear research; dubna 141908; russia)
cinda index
thermal and fast reactor benchmark testing of endf/b-6.4
liu guisheng ( china nuclear data center; ciae )
evaluation of cross sections of photonuclear reactions for ~(90,91,92,94,96)zr below 30 mev
yu baosheng han yinlu zhang jingshang(china nuclear data center; ciae)
Calculations of a Complete Data Set for n +~(83)Kr,~(84)Kr,~(85)Kr and ~(86)Kr in the Energy Region 0.001-20 MeV
cai chonghai (department of physics; nankai university; tianjin)
Evaluation of Activation Cross Sections for Fission Product Nuclides of ~(140,141,142,144) Ce below 20 MeV
yu baosheng (china nuclear data center; ciae)zhang zhengjun (depart; of physics; northwest university; xi an)
Calculations of Complete Data for n +~(235)U in the Energy Region 0.001-20 MeV
cai chonghai (department of physics; nankai university; tianjin)shen qingbiao yu baosheng (china nuclear data center; ciae; beijing)
activities and cooperation on nuclear data in china during 1998
liu tong (china nuclear data center; iae)
Evaluation of Complete Neutron Nuclear Data for ~(63) Cu
ma gonggui wang shiming (institute of nuclear science and technology; sichan university; chengdu; 610064)