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Urban Environment & Urban Ecology
2001 Issue 4
Engineering Planning of Water Catchment of Small Valley in Urbanized Mountain Area of Southern China
zhang hui yuan ; yang xiao mao ; xie qiang
The Submerged Hybrid Membrane Bioreactor
li jun ; xia ding guo ; zhao zuo ; nie mei sheng
The Study on Zinc and Lead Levels in Human Hair
zhang bo ; meng zi qiang
Coking-plant Wastewater Treatment by Anoxic-SBR Process
luo jian zhong ; qi shui bing ; wen gui zhao ; chen min
Analysis on Urban Runoff Recharge to Groundwater
che wu ; li jun qi ; cao xiu qin ; liu hong ; meng guang hui
Assessment Indicator System of Green Building System for Loess Plateau
shi bao zhong ; hou chen tao
The Organic Contumination Optimizing Design of Soil Vapor Extraction
li jin hui ; ma hai bin ; xia xin ; nie yong feng ; bai qing zhong
Discussion on Operation and Management Optimization of Municipal Sewage Treatment Plant
zhang jian wen ; zhang hai yan
Application of the Coal Gas Generator for Purifying Fume
wang feng yang ; liu lin ; lu yan bin
Air Quality Forecast Study in Tianjin
qin bao ping ; liu cai xia ; wang chang you ; zhu yu qiang
Sludge Treatment and Reusing in Tianjin Economic and Technological Development Area
wang hui zhen ; zhang qing min
Catalytic Oxidation Decomposition of p-Nitrophenol in Wastewater
fu jian xiu ; ye ping ; wang lian sheng ; zhang jin hong
Urban Greening Strategies in Northern Jiangsu Province
yan chuan hai ; zhang hai rong ; yu fa zhan ; zhao qing
Study on Fly Ash Compounded Mixture and Its Application in Treatment of Fluorine containing Wastewaster
yang jia ling ; yu gui sheng ; hu shou guo
Case of Environmental Impact Assessment for Composting Waste Gas in the Site of Refuse Composting
li guang yan ; sun xu hong ; zhang ze sheng
huan jing ke ji jian xun
Technical Reform on Circulated Fluidized Bed Boiler Sulfur Removal and Precipitation System
hu de shuang ; shi gu ou ; he chun fu
Optimizing Air Monitoring Station in Tianjin
zhao li wei ; liu wei ; liu cai xia ; han zuo ; zhang zan
Construction of Agro-ecological Environmental Protection Laws
zhao yan tong ; tang jing chun
On Making Biodiesel by Waste Fat from Restaurant
peng yin lai ; yang fan
Technique on Using Industrial Reed Residue Waste as Agricultural Resource
li ping ping ; hu yong guang ; zhu zhong gui