remarks on urban spatial growth management research
chen jinfu; professor; director; teaching & research office on urban planning; architecture and urban planning school; huazhong university of science and technology; phd candidate; college of public administration; huazhong university of science and technology; wuhan; lijuan; postgraduate; architecture and urban planning school; huazhong university of science and technology; wuhan; p.r.china.yu cheng; postgraduate; architecture and urban planning school; huazhong university of science and technology; wuhan; p.r.china.xu xiaolei; postgraduate; architecture and urban planning school; huazhong university of science and technology; wuhan; xinyan; lecturer; architecture and urban planning school; huazhong university of science and technology; wuhan; p.r.china.
study on hierarchical structure of detailed control planning
wei dong; senior engineer; president; pudong branch of shanghai urban planning and design research institute; shanghai; p.r.china.cheng rong; engineer; pudong branch of shanghai urban planning and design research institute; shanghai; p.r.china.qian fang
study on history of modern urban planning of guangzhou
huang li; post-doctorate; cities centre university of toronto; toronto; canada; associate director of faculty; lecturer; school of civil engineering and architecture; wuhan university of technology; wuhan; baihao; dean; professor; school of civil engineering and architecture; wuhan university of technology; wuhan; p.r.china.sun yingdan; master; school of civil engineering and architecture; wuhan university of technology; wuhan; p.r.china.