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Oil Geophysical Prospecting
2011 Issue 6
Ground-roll suppression based on the second generation Curvelet transform
Dong Lie-qian1;Li Zhen-chun1;Wang De-ying1;Liu Lei2 and Gao Jun-wei3.1.School of Geosciences of China University of Petroleum;Qingdao;Shandong 266555;China2.Shengli Well Logging Co.;Dongying;Shandong 257096;China3.No 2 Gas Production Plant;Changqing Oilfield Company;Petrochina;YuLin;Shaanxi 719000;China
Application of seismic attributes in micro-fault interpretation
Li Jian-xiong1;Cui Quan-zhang1 and Wei Xiao-dong1.1.BGP Inc.;CNPC;Zhuozhou;Hebei 072751;China
Reconstruction of underground recognition system based on both seismic data and well data in a mature oilfield with high water cut
Liu Wen-ling1;Han Da-kuang1;Cheng Pu1;Hu Shui-qing1;Wang Yu-xue1;Hou Bo-gang1;Wang Jing-rong1 and Wang Ji-qiang1.1.Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development;PetroChina;Beijing 100083;China
Reservoir prediction based on isochronous stratigraphic framework:an example of Feixianguan formation in Tongnanba Structural Belt
Wu Li1;Zhang Yong-gui1;Jiang Da-jian1 and Zhao Yan-ping1.1.Exploration and Production Research Institute;Sinopec;Beijing 100083;China
Characteristics of reservoirs in the Pearl River Mouth Basin
Wang Yong-feng1;2;Wang Ying-min1;2;Li Dong1;2;Xu Qiang3 and Huang Zhen-kai4.1.College of Geosciences;China University of Petroleum;Beijing 102249;China2.State Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resource and Prospecting;China University of Petroleum;Beijing 102249;China3.CNOOC Research Institute;Beijing 100027;China4.Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development;PetroChina;Beijing 100083;China
A test study of induced polarization effects of magnetotelluric in oil and gas detection
Luo Wei-feng1;He Zhan-xiang1;Wang Cai-fu1;Dong Wei-bin1 and Zhang Hong-qiang1.1.BGP Inc.;CNPC;Zhuozhou;Hebei 072751;China
Seismic responses of structure-sequence models and their applications in hydrocarbon exploration
Liu Chuan-hu1;2 and Wang Xue-zhong3.1.Shengli Oilfield Company;Sinopec;Dongying;Shandong 257001;China2.Faculty of Natural Resource and Information Technology;China University of Petroleum;Beijing 102249;China3.Xinjiang Exploration and Development Center of Shengli Oilfield Company;Sinopec;Dongying;Shandong 257000;China
Reservoir prediction in deep-water turbidite fans by using AVO forward modeling and inversion
Min Xiao-gang1;2;Chen Kai-yuan1;Zhang Yi-ming2 and He Feng2.1.China University of Geosciences;Beijing 100083;China2.Research Center of CNOOC;Beijing 100027;China
Off-line 3D seismic acquisition in Jiyuan,Erdos Basin
Dou Wei-tan1;Du Yu-bin1;Yu Bo1;Deng Shu-quan1;Yao Zong-hui2;Wang Xue-gang2;Du Zhong-dong2 and Wang Xue-zhi2.1.Exploration Department;Changqing Oilfield Company;CNPC;Xi’an;Shaanxi 710021;China2.Changqing Division;BGP Inc.;CNPC;Xi`an;Shaanxi 710021;China
Application of 2D CRS-OIS to 2D real data acquired in deep water of South China Sea
Zhang Jin-miao1;Chen Bao-shu1;Wang Xiao-jiang1;Liu Jun-rong1;Yang Xiao-chun1 and Yang Kai2.1.CNOOC Research Institute;Beijing 100027;China2.State Key Laboratory of Marine Geology School of Marine & Earth Science;Tongji University;Shanghai 200092;China
The frequency-space domain prestack depth migration with arbitrarily wide-angle wave equation
Sun Qi-feng1;2 and Du Qi-zhen2.1.College of Computer and Communication Engineering;China University of Petroleum;Qingdao;Shandong 266555;China2.College of Geo-resources and Information;China University of Petroleum;Qingdao;Shandong 266555;China
A method for improving VSP resolution by inverse Q filtering
Yan Hong-yong1;2;Liu Yang1;2;Zhao Qian-hua3;Li Xu-xuan4 and Jiang Nan-sen4.1.State Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resource and Prospecting;China University of Petroleum;Beijing 102249;China2.CNPC Key Laboratory of Geophysical Exploration;China University of Petroleum;Beijing 102249;China3.Oilfield Technology Department;China Oilfield Services Limited;Beijing 101149;China4.Petroleum Research Centre of CNOOC;Beijing 100027;China
Analysis of shooting effects of dynamite source with areal array of large length in weak elastic medium
Lü Gong-he1.1.Institute of Geophysical Prospecting Strategic Planning;Sinopec Geophysical Research Institute;Nanjing;Jiangsu 210014;China
Absorption attenuation gradient detection based on generalized S transform
Zhang Gu-lan1;He Zhen-hua2;Li Jia-jin3;Li Yan4;Wu Chang-jiang1 and Li Ke-en1.1.Deuelopment and Production Seismic Division BGP Inc.;CNPC;Zhuozhou;Hebei;072751;China2.State Key Lab of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation;Chengdu University of Technology;Chengdu;Sicuan 610059;China3.Tarim Oil Field;CNPC;Korla;Xinjiang 841000;China4.Directional Drilling Technology Services Company of Western Drilling Engineering Limited;CNPC;Urumqi;Xinjiang 830026;China
Post-rifting structure characteristics and shallow hydrocarbon accumulations in Qikou sag
Qi Peng1;2;Ren Jian-ye1;3;Ai Neng-ping4;Shi Shuang-shuang1;Zhou Jiang-yu1 and Zhang Jun-xia5.1.Key Laboratory of Tectonics and Petroleum Resources of Ministry of Education;China University of Geosciences;Wuhan;Hubei 430074;China2.Research Center of CNOOC;Beijing 100027;China3.Secondary Center of CUG;Structural Research Center of Oil & Gas Bearing Basin;Ministry of Education;Wuhan;Hubei 430074;China4.Zhanjiang Branch;CNOOC;Zhanjiang;Guangdong 300280;China5.Faculty of Economics and Management;China University of Geosciences;Wuhan;Hubei 430074;China
A thin bed inversion method based on Bayes theory
Huang Han-dong1;2;Zhao Di3;Ren Dun-zhan4 and Wang Yu-mei5.1.Enhanced Oil Recovering Research Center;China University of Petroleum;Beijing 102249;China2.State Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resource and Prospecting;China University of Petroleum;Beijing 102249;China3.Deyang Branch;E&P Research Institute SWPB of SINOPEC;Deyang;Sichuan 618000;China4.BGP Inc.;CNPC;Zhuozhou;Hebei 072751;China5.Geophysical Research Institute;Shengli Oilfield;Dongying;Shandong 257022;China
Seismic wave field modeling by energy controlled Gaussian beam method
Sun Cheng-yu1;Zhang Wen-ying1;Ni Chang-kuan2 and Ding Yu-cai1.1.China University of Petroleum;Qingdao;Shandong 266555;China2.Northwest Branch;Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development;PetroChina;Lanzhou;Gansu 730020;China
Random medium 2-D modeling and its wavefield analysis
Yin Xue-xin1;2 and Liu Yang1;2.1.State Key Lab of Petroleum Resources and Prospecting;China University of Petroleum;Beijing 102249;China2.CNPC Key Lab of Geophysical Prospecting;China University of Petroleum;Beijing 102249;China
Seismic data acquisitions in Sanhu area,Qaidam Basin
Luo Qi-feng1;Yu Bao-hua1;Wu Ming-sheng2;Zhai Jun-wei1;Pan Jian-yong1 and Ma Li-xin1.1.Qinghai Division;BGP Inc.;CNPC;Dunhuang;Gansu 736200;China2.Research Institute of Exploration and Production;Qinghai Oilfield Limited;CNPC;Dunhuang;Gansu 736200;China
Structural characteristics analysis of Saihantala sag in Erlian Basin
Cheng San-you1;Liu Shao-feng2;Su San3 and Ren Jin-li4.1.School of Earth Sciences and Resources;Chang’an University;Xi’an;Shaanxi 710054;China2.School of Earth Sciences and Resources;China University of Geosciences;Beijing 100083;China3.Chevron Asia South;Beijing 100083;China4.Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration Team of the Shaanxi Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resourse;Xi′an;Shaanxi 710043;China
On resolution of seismic data
Cao Yü-ming1.1.BGP Inc.;CNPC;Zhuozhou;Hebei 072751;China
Application of Hilbert time-frequency spectrum in magnetotelluric data processing
Cai Jian-hua1 and Hu Wei-wen1.1.Information Institute;Hunan University of Arts and Science;Changde;Hunan 415000;China