Incorporation of site mutations into a target gene with an improved PCR-based megaprimer method
zhang bi-qian1; 2; deng hui-qun1; 2; gong cai-xia1; 2; yang qing3; peng jian-xin1; 2; hong hua-zhu1; 2; li ai-ying1; 2(1.college of life sciences; central china normal university; wuhan 430079; china; 2.key laboratory of pesticide & chemical biology; ministry of education; central china normal university; wuhan 430079; china; 3.college of pharmaceutical sciences; shanghai fudan university; shanghai 200433; china)
Area quantum in quantized space-time
xiao ming1; wang yun1; chen ke-liang2(1.department of physics & electronic engineer; hubei university of education; wuhan 430205; china; 2.applied physics department; wuhan university of science and technology; wuhan 430081; china)