Design and implementation of the superbright LED dot-matrix display system of information
zhao bai-shu~1; xiao yun-hong~2; cao chang-mao~2; yin hai-bing~3; zhou jun~2(1.school of physics and electronic technology; hubei university; wuhan 430062; china; 2.department of electronics and information engineering; jianghan university; wuhan 430019; china; 3.college of electronics and information engineering; shanghai jiaotong university; shanghai 200030 ; china)
Research and design on united storage networ
kluo yi-hui~(1; 2); xie chang-sheng~2 (1.school of mathematics and computer science; hubei university; wuhan 430062; china; 2.national storage system laboratory; huazhong university of science and technology; wuhan 430074; china)