Application of Strength Reduction FEM in Anchored Slope
zhu hong-wei1; 2; xiang qin1; 2 (1.sichuan college of architectural technology transportation and municipal engineering department; deyang 618000; china; 2.southwest jiaotong university railway engineering department; chengdu 618000; china),14,29,38,108
Analysis of Fold Defects of Die Forging Flange Yoke
wang xiao-ming1; wang da-yong2(1.forging workshop; dalian locomotive and rolling stock co.; ltd.; dalian 116021; china; of materials science and engineering; dalian jiaotong university; dalian 116028; china)
Dynamic Distributed Routing Algorithm Based on ACS
yu guo-qing1; zhang ya-jun1; tian ri-cai2; ma nan2(1.the automatica department of heilongjiang militorey region; harbin 150001; china; 2.communication technology research center; harbin institute of technology; harbin 150001; china)