multi-parameter tikhonov regularization for linear ill-posed operator equations
zhongying chen department of scientific computing and computer applications; zhongshan university; guangzhou 510275; china yao lu and yuesheng xu department of mathematics; syracuse university; syracuse; ny 13244-1150; usa hongqi yang department of scientific computing and computer applications; zhongshan university; guangzhou 510275; china
a perturbation method for the numerical solution of the bernoulli problem
fran ois bouchon laboratoire de math matiques; universite blaise pascal (clermont-ferrand) and cnrs (umr 6620) campus universitaire des c zeaux; 63177 aubi re cedex; france st phane clain laboratoire mip; ufr mig; universit paul sabatier toulouse 3; 118 route de narbonne; 31062 toulouse cedex 4; france rachid touzani laboratoire de mathematiques; universit blaise pascal (clermont-ferrand) and cnrs (umr 6620) campus universitaire des c zeaux; 63177 aubi re cedex; france