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Journal of Computational Mathematics
2007 Issue 3
stable solution of time domain integral equation methods using quadratic b-spline temporal basis functions
m.y.xia g.h.zhang g.l.dai school of electronics engineering and computer science; peking university; beijing 100871; china c.h.chan department of electronic engineering; city university of hong kong; kowloon; hong kong; china
on source analysis by wave splitting with applications in inverse scattering of multiple obstacles
fahmi ben hassen laboratoire de modelisation mathematique et numerique dans les sciences de l ingenieur; enit-university of tunis-el manar; bp 37; 1002 tunis tunisia jijun liu department of mathematics; southeast university; nanjing; 210096; china roland potthast university of reading; department of mathematics; whiteknights; po box 220; berkshire; rg6 6ax; uk
sensitivity analysis with respect to the electrical conductivity
habib ammari centre de math matiques appliqu es; cnrs umr 7641 and ecole polytechnique; 91128 palaiseau cedex; france hyeonbae kang school of mathematical sciences; seoul national university; seoul 151-747; korea habib zribi centre de math matiques appliqu es; cnrs umr 7641 and ecole polytechnique; 91128 palaiseau cedex; france
inverse medium scattering problems in near-field optics
gang bao department of mathematics; michigan state university; east lansing; mi 48824; usa peijun li department of mathematics; university of michigan; ann arbor; mi 48109; usa
the use of plane waves to approximate wave propagation in anisotropic media
tomi huttunen department of physics; university of kuopio; p.o.box 1627; fin-70211 kuopio; finlandpeter monk department of mathematical sciences; university of delaware; newark; de 19716; usa
gang bao michigan state universityzhiming chen institute of computational mathematics; caszhong-ci shi institute of computational mathematics; cas bo zhang institute of applied mathematics; cas
initial value techniques for the helmholtz and maxwell equations
frank natterer olga klyubina department of mathematics; university of m nster; germany
radiation boundary conditions for maxwell's equations:a review of accurate time-domain formulations
thomas hagstrom department of mathematics and statistics; university of new mexico; albuquerque; nm 87131; usa stephen lau division of applied mathematics; brown university; 182 george street; providence; ri 02912; usa
journal of computational mathematics
modeling photonic crystals with complex unit cells by dirichlet-to-neumann maps
yuexia huang ya yan lu department of mathematics; city university of hong kong; kowloon; hong kong; china
non spurious spectral-like element methods for maxwell's equations
gary cohen and marc durufl inria; domaine de voluceau; rocquencourt-bp 105; 78153 le chesnay cedex; france