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Journal of Chongqing Normal University(Natural Sci
2004 Issue 1
A Dynamic Study of the Body Shape and Performance of College Students in 10 years
zhu yun-xia~(1); hu jian~2 (1.hospital of chongqing normal university; 2. dept. of physical education; chongqing normal university; chongqing 400047; china)
Strong Well-Posedness in Constrained Optimization and Related Problems
huang xue-xiang (college of mathematics and computer science; chongqing normal university; chongqing 400047; china)
The Technology of Long-distance Monitoring Based on Sockets and its Realization
ai guang-li~1; ma yan~2 (1.dept.of computer science and modern educational technology; chongqing education collage; chongqing 400067; 2.dept.of information technology; chongqing normal university; chongqing 400047; china)
Preparation of cobalt phosphate Nanoparticles Under Microware Radiation
du xiao-wang (dept.of chemistry; chongqing normal university; chongqing 400047; china)
Study of the Polarization Field Strength inside Ellipsoid in a Homogeneous Dielectric
jiang ming-yu; hu xian-quan; deng hai (dept. of physics; chongqing normal university; chongqing 400047; china)
Reinterpreation Vector A in Quantum Mechanics
gu yong-hong; hu xian-quan; yang ying (dept.of physics and information technology of chongqing normal university; chongqing 400047; china)
Establishment of a Model of Ecological Mathematics Teaching
huang ying~1; cui gui-lin~2 (1.collgeg of mathematics and computer science; chongqing normal university ; chongqing 400047; 2.sichuan luding middle school; sichuan luding 626100; china)
ji yu linux cao zuo xi tong de socks dai li fu wu
xiao zuo ; xiao dan yan
An Investigation into the Present Community Sports in Chongqing
hu jian~1; xu gang~2; luo yun~3 (1.dept.of physical education; chongqing normal university; chongqing 400047; 2.chongqing development planning commission; chongqing 400015; 3.chongqing sports bureau; chongqing 400015; china)
Humble Opinions of Introducing Happy Sports Into Physical Education
zhao hong; luo bin (dept.of physical education; chongqing normal university; chongqing 400047; china)
A Design for the Information System by Suply Chain Management
bao jun-je~1; tang min~2 (1.dept.of computer and modern education technology; chongqing education college; chongqing 400067; 2.dept. of information and technology; chongqing normal university; chongqing 400047; china)
Digital Watermarking Technology Based on Chaos Sequence
chen yong-hong (college of mathematics and computer science; chongqing normal university; chongqing 400047; china)
The Finite Group that the Order of Maximal Nilpotence Subgroups are Prime Power
he cheng-chun; chen gui-yun; han zhang-jia (dept.of mathematics; southwest china normal university; chongqing 400715; china)
Design and Implementation of a Net Monitor System Based on Imbedded Linux
chen a-lin; xiao wei; xiao dan-yan; miao chun-ying (network information center; chongqing normal university; chongqing 400047; china)
A Study of Employees′ Work Motivation in Enterprise and Public Service
zhang lian (special education college; chongqing normal university; chongqing 400047; china)
Retrospect and Reflection of the Construction of Discipline in Chemistry Curriculum and Instruction Theory
lin chang-chun (detp.of chemistry; chongqing normal university; chongqing 400047; china)
Research Frame of Geological Calamities in the Reservoir Region of the Three Gorges
guo yue~(1) ; yang hua~(1); zhao chun-yong~(1); chen a-lin~(2) (1.dept. of geography; chongqing normal university; 2. computer center; chongqing normal university; chongqing 400047; china)
A Study of Improvement of Performance of Air Electrode in Alkalescence Medium
hong quan; xing shao-hua (dept.of chemistry; chongqing normal university; chongqing 400047; china)
Unusual-value time Prediction Based on R/S Analysis
zou jie (chongqing communication college; chongqing 400035; china)
The Matric Estimation of Multiple-series Relevant Coefficient
qin zhi-ren; dong mi-da (chongqing normal university; chongqing 400047; china)
da xue sheng tu shu yue du qu shi diao cha fen xi
xie rong
Mathematics in the Homefront and Its Enlightenment to us
wu hai-yan (college of mathematics and computer science; chongqing normal university; chongqing 400047; china)
The Funds Investments and Socioeconomic Benefits of Urbanization Developments in Yongchuan
pei jia-chang; yang xi-chuan (dept.of geography; chongqing normal university; chongqing 400047; china)
Genetic Algorithm of Uniform Two-point Crisscross
yang da-di~1; zhang chun-tao~(1; 2) (1.college of mathematics and sciences; chongqing university ; chongqing 400044; 2.dept.of computer science; three gorge college; wanzhou chongqing 404000; china)
An Modified Grey Evaluation Mehtod of Human Resource Value
pan xiao-lin (collgeg of mathematics and computer science; chongqing normal university; chongqing 400047; china)
Some Problems in Optimization and Equilibria
chen guang-ya (chinese academy of science; academy of mathematics and system science; beijing 100080; china)
Multivariable Time Series Forecasting Model Based on Recurrent Composite BP Neural Networks and Its Application
l jia (dept.of mathematics and computer science; chongqing normal university; chongqing 400047; china)