Research and Simulation of Variable Frequency Speed Regulation System Based on Dual-Stage Matrix Converter
pan xiang-gao1; 2; li dan-yun3; shen qun-tai3 (1.department of electrical information engineering; hunan university of arts and science; changde 415000; china; 2.mathmatic and computer science college; guangdong university; guangzhou 510000; china; 3.electrical information science and engineering college; central and south university; changsha 410082; china)
Review on The Technology of Wind Turbine Emulation
wang qian-shuang; hu yu-wen; huang wen-xin (air supply aviation science and technology laboratory; nanjing university of aeronautics and astronautics; nanjing 210016; china)
Performance Measurement and Analysis of Motor Air Compressor System
qin hong-bo1; 2; hu shou-gen1; huang jun-hui1 ( of power engineering; university of shanghai for science and technology; shanghai 200093; china; 2.shanghai energy conservation service center; shanghai 200040; china)