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S&M Electric Machines
2009 Issue 3
Control of Capture Maximal Wind Energy with Restraining Fluctuation of Grid Voltage
wang xiao-lan; liang bo; zheng wei(college of electrical and information engineering; lanzhou university of technology; lanzhou 730050; china)
Application of Motor Moisture-Proof Heater
zhang shu-rong; wang li-na; zhang jian-jun(r&d department; dandong keliang electron co.; ltd.; dandong 118009; china)
Design of SDD8 Locomotive Avx AC Drive System Air Compressor's Motor
li ben-bo; yan cai-song(zhuzhou nanche electric co.; ltd; zhuzhou 412001; china)
Application of Variable Frequency and Speed Regulation Technology in Nanjing Steel Electrical Engineering Alteration
bao gui-lai(nanjing iron&steel united co.; ltd.; nanjing 210000; china)
Feedback-Feedforward Iterative Learning Excitation Controller of Synchronous Generator
bai jing-cai; yu shao-juan; han ru-cheng(school of electronic information engineering; taiyuan university of science and technology; taiyuan 030024; china)
Fault Diagnosis for Rotor of Variable Frequency Motor Based on Advanced MCSA
song yan-bing; fang rui-ming; lu xiao-fen; liu jie(college of information science & engineering; huaqiao university; quanzhou 362021; china)
PMSG UPF Control for Direct-Driven WECS
hu shu-ju 1; 2; zhao dong-li2; li jian-lin2; wang jian-fei2; xu hong-hua2(1.graduate university of cas; beijing 100049; china; 2.institute of electrical engineering; cas; beijing 100190; china)
Rotor Resistance Identification in Vector Control System of Asynchronous Motor Based on EKF
zhao xin; wang ming-yu; liu shu-xi(the key laboratory of high voltage engineering and electrical new technology in ministry of education; chongqing university; chongqing 400044; china)
Application of Soft Starter in North Tanzania Water Supply Project
yuan ding(no.1 design institute; shanghai municipal engineering design general institute; shanghai 200092; china)
Driving Circuit of Stepper Motors Based on Intelligent Power Modular
zhang wen-ai; yang xin(department of information engineering; taiyuan university of technology; taiyuan 030024; china)
A New Over-Current Protection Strategy for Matrix Converter
cao yan-jing 1; 2; he feng-you 1; 2; zhang xu-long 1; 2(1.institute of information and electrical engineering; china university of mining and technology; xuzhou 221008; china; 2.jiangsu electrical drive & control engineering technology research center; xuzhou 221008; china)
Grid-Connected System for Wind Power Generation System Based on XC167CI
shen huan-qing; ruan yi; tang yan-yan; yang yong; zhang chao-yi(shanghai university; shanghai 200072; china)
Modeling and Simulation of Cascaded Multi-Level High Voltage Inverter
li zong-chen; zhang yi-huang(institute of electrical engineering; beijing jiaotong university; beijing 100044; china)
Design Computing of AC-DC Motor's Air Noise in Ship
chen biao(military deputy department in wenzhou; wenzhou 316000; china)
Design of Double-Directions Bulb Type for Water Pump Hydro-Generator/Motor of Jiangxia NO.6 Unit Tentative Tidal Power Station
zhu chun-ying(hangzhou jianghe machinery & electrical equipment engineering co.; ltd.; hangzhou 310012; china)
A Microcomputer Test System for Permanent Magnet Motor
li zhi-qiang; cao yan-chao; zhang jian; liu ming-ji; luo ying-li(north china electric power university; beijing 102206; china)