Study on tissue culture and rapid propagation in Zenia insignis
yuan de-yi1; zou feng1; he xiao-yong2; shuai bo1; long hong-xu1(1.the key lab.of non-wood forest product of forestry ministry; central south university of forestry & technology; changsha 410004; hunan; china; 2.lishui forestry institute of zhejiang; lishui 323000; zhejiang; china)
Stress effects of mixed sodium salt on seed germination of two Betula spp.
yan xing-fu1; 2; shi chun1; 2; zhang kao-wen1; 2; zhou li-biao1; 2(1.college of life science and engineering; northern university for nationalities; yinchuan 750021; gansu; china; 2.key laboratory of ecosystem model and applications of state nationalities affairs commission; yinchuan 750021; gansu; china)
Research of P2P detection Based on genetic neural network
deng li-weia; zhou zhong-weib; li yangb; duan hui-liangb(a.school of computer and information engineering; b.modern education technology center; central south university of forestry and technology; changsha 410004; hunan; china)
Prediction of miRNA in Drosophila melanogaster
ma chuanga; b; hu xing-chia; b; tong pana; b; huang hui-yana; b(a.hubei bioinformatics and molecular imaging key laboratory; b.school of life science and technology; huazhong university of science and technology; wuhan 430074; hubei; china)