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Chinese Physics
2015 Issue 9
Structural and robustness properties of smart-city transportation networks
Zhang Zhen-Gang;Ding Zhuo;Fan Jing-Fang;Meng Jun;Ding Yi-Min;Ye Fang-Fu;Chen Xiao-Song;School of Business Administration;South China University of Technology;Institute of Theoretical Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Institute of Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Faculty of Physics and Electronics;Hubei University;
A universal function of creep rate
Li Jing-Tian;Rong Xi-Ming;Wang Jian-Lu;Zhang Bang-Qiang;Ning Xi-Jing;Institute of Modern Physics;Department of Nuclear Science and Technology;Fudan University;Department of Optical Science and Engineer;Fudan University;Dongfang Turbine Co. Ltd.;
Three-dimensional coherent diffraction imaging of Mie-scattering spheres by laser single-orientation measurement
Zhang Jian;Fan Jia-Dong;Zhang Jian-Hua;Sun Zhi-Bin;Huang Qing-Jie;Jiang Huai-Dong;State Key Laboratory of Crystal Materials;Shandong University;School of Information Science and Engineering;Shandong University;
Beam propagation method for wide-field nonlinear wave mixing microscope
Lv Yong-Gang;Ji Zi-Heng;Yu Wen-Tao;Shi Ke-Bin;State Key Laboratory for Mesoscopic Physics;School of Physics;Peking University;Collaborative Innovation Center of Quantum Matter;
Electronic mobility in the high-carrier-density limit of ion gel gated IDTBT thin film transistors
Bao Bei;Shao Xian-Yi;Tan Lu;Wang Wen-He;Wu Yue-Shen;Wen Li-Bin;Zhao Jia-Qing;Tang Wei;Zhang Wei-Min;Guo Xiao-Jun;Wang Shun;Liu Ying;Key Laboratory of Artificial Structures and Quantum Control;Department of Physics and Astronomy;Shanghai Jiao Tong University;Collaborative Innovation Center of Advanced Microstructures;Department of Electronic Engineering;Shanghai Jiao Tong University;College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering;Guangxi University for Nationalities;Department of Physics and Materials Research Institute;Pennsylvania State University;
Robust H_∞ control of uncertain systems with two additive time-varying delays
M.Syed Ali;R.Saravanakumar;Department of Mathematics;Thiruvalluvar University;
Nonlocal symmetries,consistent Riccati expansion integrability,and their applications of the (2+1)-dimensional Broer–Kaup–Kupershmidt system
Hu Xiao-Rui;Chen Yong;Department of Applied Mathematics;Zhejiang University of Technology;Shanghai Key Laboratory of Trustworthy Computing;East China Normal University;
Second-order two-scale analysis and numerical algorithms for the hyperbolic–parabolic equations with rapidly oscillating coefficients
Dong Hao;Nie Yu-Feng;Cui Jun-Zhi;Wu Ya-Tao;School of Science;Northwestern Polytechnical University;Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
A new model for algebraic Rossby solitary waves in rotation fluid and its solution
Chen Yao-Deng;Yang Hong-Wei;Gao Yu-Fang;Yin Bao-Shu;Feng Xing-Ru;Key Laboratory of Meteorological Disaster of Ministry of Education;Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology;Collaborative Innovation Center on Forecast and Evaluation of Meteorological Disasters;Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology;College of Mathematics and Systems Science;Shandong University of Science and Technology;Institute of Oceanology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Key Laboratory of Ocean Circulation and Wave;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Rigidity based formation tracking for multi-agent networks
Bai Lu;Chen Fei;Lan Wei-Yao;Department of Automation;Xiamen University;
A novel observer design method for neural mass models
Liu Xian;Miao Dong-Kai;Gao Qing;Xu Shi-Yun;Key Laboratory of Industrial Computer Control Engineering of Hebei Province;Institute of Electrical Engineering;Yanshan University;China Electric Power Research Institute;
Distributed H_∞ control of multi-agent systems with directed networks
Liu Wei;Liu Ai-Li;Zhou Shao-Lei;Department of Control Engineering;Naval Aeronautical and Astronautical University;
Improving the secrecy rate by turning foes to allies:An auction scheme
Ma Ya-Yan;Wang Bao-Yun;College of Communication and Information Engineering;Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications;
Ground-state information geometry and quantum criticality in an inhomogeneous spin model
Ma Yu-Quan;School of Applied Science;Beijing Information Science and Technology University;
Time evolution of negative binomial optical field in a diffusion channel
Liu Tang-Kun;Wu Pan-Pan;Shan Chuan-Jia;Liu Ji-Bing;Fan Hong-Yi;College of Physics and Electronic Science;Hubei Normal University;Department of Material Science and Engineering;University of Science and Technology of China;
Phase effect on dynamics of quantum discord modulated by interaction between qubits
Wang Guo-You;Guo You-Neng;Zeng Hao-Sheng;Key Laboratory of Low-Dimensional Quantum Structures and Quantum Control of Ministry of Education;Department of Physics;Hunan Normal University;
Reduction of entropic uncertainty in entangled qubits system by local PT-symmetric operation
Zhang Shi-Yang;Fang Mao-Fa;Zhang Yan-Liang;Guo You-Neng;Zhao Yan-Jun;Tang Wu-Wei;Key Laboratory of Low-Dimensional Quantum Structures and Quantum Control of Ministry of Education;and Department of Physics;Hunan Normal University;
Countermeasure against probabilistic blinding attack in practical quantum key distribution systems
Qian Yong-Jun;Li Hong-Wei;He De-Yong;Yin Zhen-Qiang;Zhang Chun-Mei;Chen Wei;Wang Shuang;Han Zheng-Fu;Key Laboratory of Quantum Information;University of Science and Technology of China;Synergetic Innovation Center of Quantum Information & Quantum Physics;University of Science and Technology of China;Zhengzhou Information Science and Technology Institute;
Controlled mutual quantum entity authentication using entanglement swapping
Min-Sung Kang;Chang-Ho Hong;Jino Heo;Jong-In Lim;Hyung-Jin Yang;Center for Information Security Technologies;Korea University;Graduate School of Information Security;Korea University;Department of Physics;Korea University;
Effects of intrinsic decoherence on various correlations and quantum dense coding in a two superconducting charge qubit system
Wang Fei;Maimaitiyiming-Tusun;Parouke-Paerhati;Ahmad-Abliz;School of Physics and Electronic Engineering;Xinjiang Normal University;
Spin–orbit coupled Bose–Einstein condensates with Rydberg-dressing interaction
L Hao;Zhu Shao-Bing;Qian Jun;Wang Yu-Zhu;Key Laboratory for Quantum Optics;Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Reduced one-body density matrix of Tonks-Girardeau gas at finite temperature
Fu Xiao-Chen;Hao Ya-Jiang;Department of Physics;University of Science and Technology Beijing;
Invariance of specific mass increment in the case of non-equilibrium growth
L.M.Martyushev;A.P.Sergeev;P.S.Terentiev;Ural Federal University;Institute of Industrial Ecology;
A cellular automaton model for the ventricular myocardium considering the layer structure
Deng Min-Yi;Dai Jing-Yu;Zhang Xue-Liang;College of Physical Science and Technology;Guangxi Normal University;
Off-policy integral reinforcement learning optimal tracking control for continuous-time chaotic systems
Wei Qing-Lai;Song Rui-Zhuo;Sun Qiu-Ye;Xiao Wen-Dong;The State Key Laboratory of Management and Control for Complex Systems;Institute of Automation;Chinese Academy of Sciences;School of Automation and Electrical Engineering;University of Science and Technology;School of Information Science and Engineering;Northeastern University;
Prescribed performance synchronization for fractional-order chaotic systems
Liu Heng;Li Sheng-Gang;Sun Ye-Guo;Wang Hong-Xing;College of Mathematics and Information Science;Shaanxi Normal Universtiy;Department of Applied Mathematics;Huainan Normal University;
Cooperative adaptive bidirectional control of a train platoon for efficient utility and string stability
Gao Shi-Gen;Dong Hai-Rong;Ning Bin;Roberts Clive;Chen Lei;Sun Xu-Bin;State Key Laboratory of Rail Traffic Control and Safety;Beijing Jiaotong University;Birmingham Centre for Railway Research and Education;School of Electronic;Electrical and Systems Engineering;University of Birmingham;School of Electronic and Information Engineering;Beijing Jiaotong University;
Standardization of proton-induced x-ray emission technique for analysis of thick samples
Shad Ali;Johar Zeb;Abdul Ahad;Ishfaq Ahmad;M.Haneef;Jehan Akbar;Department of Physics Hazara University;National Center of Physics;
Covalent intermolecular interaction of the nitric oxide dimer (NO)2
Zhang Hui;Zheng Gui-Li;Lv Gang;Geng Yi-Zhao;Ji Qing;School of Science;Hebei University of Technology;Changchun Institute of Optics;Fine Mechanics and Physics;Mathematical and Physical Science School;North China Electric Power University;Institute of Biophysics;Hebei University of Technology;State Key Laboratory of Theoretical Physics;Institute of Theoretical Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Characteristics of Nb/Al superconducting tunnel junctions fabricated using ozone gas
Masahiro Ukibe;Go Fujii;Masataka Ohkubo;Nanoelectronics Research Institute;National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology;
Theoretical approach to the study of vibrational effects on strong field ionization of molecules with alignment-dependent tunneling ionization rates
Zhang Mei-Xia;Yan Bing;Yang Yu-Jun;Luo Si-Zuo;Zhu Rui-Han;Yang Xue;Ding Da-Jun;Institute of Atomic and Molecular Physics;Jilin University;Jilin Provincial Key Laboratory of Applied Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy;Jilin University;College of Physics;Liaoning University;School of Science;Changchun University of Science and Technology;College of Science;Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology;
Charge transfer of He2+ with H in a strong magnetic field
Liu Chun-Lei;Zou Shi-Yang;He Bin;Wang Jian-Guo;Data Center for High Energy Density Physics Research;Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics;
Fast thermometry for trapped atoms using recoil-induced resonance
Zhao Yan-Ting;Su Dian-Qiang;Ji Zhong-Hua;Zhang Hong-Shan;Xiao Lian-Tuan;Jia Suo-Tang;State Key Laboratory of Quantum Optics and Quantum Optics Devices;Institute of Laser Spectroscopy;Shanxi University;
Numerical simulation of the coupling of ultra-wide band electromagnetic pulse into landmine by aperture
Gao Zhen-Ru;Zhao Hui-Chang;Yang Li;Wang Feng-Shan;School of Electronic Engineering and Optoelectronic Technology;Nanjing University of Science and Technology;College of Field Engineering;PLA University of Science and Technology;
Tunable terahertz radiation from arbitrary profile dielectric grating coated with graphene excited by an electron beam
Zhao Tao;Zhong Ren-Bin;Hu Min;Chen Xiao-Xing;Zhang Ping;Gong Sen;Liu Sheng-Gang;Terahertz Research Center;School of Physical Electronics;University of Electronic Science and Technology of China;Cooperative Innovation Centre of Terahertz Science;
Distribution characteristics of intensity and phase vortices of speckle fields produced by N-pinhole random screens
Liu Man;Cheng Chuan-Fu;Ren Xiao-Rong;School of Science;Qilu University of Technology;College of Physics and Electronics;Shandong Normal University;
Coupled thermal-optic effects and electrical modulation mechanism of birefringence crystal with Gaussian laser incidence
Zhou Ji;He Zhi-Hong;Ma Yu;Dong Shi-Kui;School of Energy Science and Engineering;Harbin Institute of Technology;
Crossover between electromagnetically induced transparency and Autler–Townes splitting with dispersion
Lu Xiao-Gang;Miao Xing-Xu;Bai Jin-Hai;Yuan Yuan;Wu Ling-An;Fu Pan-Ming;Wang Ru-Quan;Zuo Zhan-Chun;Laboratory of Optical Physics;Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics;Institute of Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Hebei Normal University;
Vacuum induced transparency and slow light phenomena in a two-level atomic ensemble controlled by a cavity
Guo Yu-Jie;Nie Wen-Jie;Department of Physics;Tsinghua University;Beijing Computational Science Research Center;Department of Applied Physics;East China Jiaotong University;
Determination of the atomic density of rubidium-87
Zhao Meng;Zhang Kai;Chen Li-Qing;State Key Laboratory of Precision Spectroscopy;Department of Physics;East China Normal University;
Comparison of absorption dispersion and optical bistability behaviors between open and closed four-level tripod atomic systems
R.Karimi;S.H.Asadpour;S.Batebi;H.Rahimpour Soleimani;Department of Physics;University of Guilan;
An equivalent circuit model for terahertz quantum cascade lasers:Modeling and experiments
Yao Chen;Xu Tian-Hong;Wan Wen-Jian;Zhu Yong-Hao;Cao Jun-Cheng;Key Laboratory of Terahertz Solid-State Technology;Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Effect of stimulated Brillouin scattering on the gain saturation of distributed fiber Raman amplifier and its suppression by phase modulation
Zhang Yi-Chi;Chen Wei;Sun Shi-Lin;Meng Zhou;Academy of Ocean Science and Engineering;National University of Defense Technology;College of Opto-electronic Science and Engineering;National University of Defense Technology;
Small-scale self-focusing of 200 ps laser pulses in Brillouin amplification
Yuan Hang;Wang Yu-Lei;L Zhi-Wei;Zheng Zhen-Xing;National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Tunable Laser;Harbin Institute of Technology;
Comprehensive wind correction for a Rayleigh Doppler lidar from atmospheric temperature and pressure influences and Mie contamination
Shangguan Ming-Jia;Xia Hai-Yun;Dou Xian-Kang;Wang Chong;Qiu Jia-Wei;Zhang Yun-Peng;Shu Zhi-Feng;Xue Xiang-Hui;CAS Key Laboratory of Geospace Environment;University of Science and Technology of China;Mengcheng National Geophysical Observatory;School of Earth and Space Sciences;University of Science and Technology of China;Collaborative Innovation Center of Astronautical Science and Technology;Harbin Institute of Technology;
Design and optimization of a SiC thermal emitter/absorber composed of periodic microstructures based on a non-linear method
Wang Wei-Jie;Zhao Zhen-Guo;Zhao Yi;Zhou Hai-Jing;Fu Ce-Ji;Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics;Software Center for High Performance Numerical Simulation of CAEP;Complicated Electromagnetic Environment Laboratory of CAEP;LTCS and Department of Mechanics and Engineering Science;College of Engineering;Peking University;
Realizing mode conversion and optical diode effect by coupling photonic crystal waveguides with cavity
Ye Han;Zhang Jin-Qian-Nan;Yu Zhong-Yuan;Wang Dong-Lin;Chen Zhi-Hui;State Key Laboratory of Information Photonics and Optical Communications;Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications;Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics and Computational Materials Physics Laboratory;School of Physics;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Key Laboratory of Advanced Transducers and Intelligent Control System;Ministry of Education and Shanxi Province;Taiyuan University of Technology;
X-ray communication based simultaneous communication and ranging
Song Shi-Bin;Xu Lu-Ping;Zhang Hua;Gao Na;School of Aerospace Science and Technology;Xidian University;Shandong Institute of Aerospace Electronics;
Spectroscopic properties of heavily Ho3+ -doped barium yttrium fluoride crystals
Ji En-Cai;Liu Qiang;Nie Ming-Ming;Luo Hui;Hu Yu-Xi;Guan Zhou-Guo;Gong Ma-Li;State Key Laboratory of Precision Measurement Technology and Instruments;Center for Photonics and Electronics;Department of Precision Instrument;Tsinghua University;Southwest Technical Institute of Physics;
Microflow-induced shear stress on biomaterial wall by ultrasound-induced encapsulated microbubble oscillation
Hu Ji-Wen;Qian Sheng-You;Sun Jia-Na;L Yun-Bin;Hu Ping;School of Mathematics and Physics;University of South China;School of Physics and Information Science;Hunan Normal University;
Mechanical properties of GaxIn1-xAsyP1-y/GaAs system at different temperatures and pressures
A.R.Degheidy;E.B.Elkenany;Department of Physics;Faculty of Science;Mansoura University;
Laser-driven flier impact experiments at the SG-III prototype laser facility
Shui Min;Chu Gen-Bai;Xin Jian-Ting;Wu Yu-Chi;Zhu Bin;He Wei-Hua;Xi Tao;Gu Yu-Qiu;Science and Technology on Plasma Physics Laboratory;Research Center of Laser Fusion;CAEP;
Combustion of a single magnesium particle in water vapor
Huang Li-Ya;Xia Zhi-Xun;Zhang Wei-Hua;Huang Xu;Hu Jian-Xin;College of Aerospace Science and Engineering;National University of Defense Technology;
Plural interactions of space charge wave harmonics during the development of two-stream instability
Victor Kulish;Alexander Lysenko;Michael Rombovsky;Vitaliy Koval;Iurii Volk;National Aviation University;Department of Theoretical Physics;Sumy State University;Department of General and Theoretical Physics;
Radial magnetic field in magnetic confinement device
Xiong Hao;Liu Ming-Hai;Chen Ming;Rao Bo;Chen Jie;Chen Zhao-Quan;Xiao Jin-Shui;Hu Xi-Wei;State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Technology;Huazhong University of Science and Technology;School of Electrical and Electric Engineering;Huazhong University of Science and Technology;College of Electrical and Information Engineering;Anhui University of Science and Technology;
Fluid simulation of inductively coupled Ar/O2 plasmas:Comparisons with experiment
Wang Yan-Hui;Liu Wei;Zhang Yu-Ru;Wang You-Nian;Key Laboratory of Materials Modification by Laser;Ion;and Electron Beams;School of Physics and Optoelectronic Technology;Dalian University of Technology;
Anomalous phase transition of InN nanowires under high pressure
Tang Shun-Xi;Zhu Hong-Yang;Jiang Jun-Ru;Wu Xiao-Xin;Dong Yun-Xuan;Zhang Jian;Yang Da-Peng;Cui Qi-Liang;State Key Laboratory of Superhard Materials;Jilin University;College of Instrumentation and Electrical Engineering;Jilin University;
Atomistic simulation of topaz:Structure,defect,and vibrational properties
Niu Ji-Nan;Shen Shai-Shai;Liu Zhang-Sheng;Feng Pei-Zhong;Ou Xue-Mei;Qiang Ying-Huai;Zhu Zhen-Cai;Post-doctoral Mobile Station of Mechanical Engineering;China University of Mining and Technology;School of Materals Science and Engineering;China University of Mining and Technology;
In-situ wafer bowing measurements of GaN grown on Si(111) substrate by reflectivity mapping in metal organic chemical vapor deposition system
Yang Yi-Bin;Liu Ming-Gang;Chen Wei-Jie;Han Xiao-Biao;Chen Jie;Lin Xiu-Qi;Lin Jia-Li;Luo Hui;Liao Qiang;Zang Wen-Jie;Chen Yin-Song;Qiu Yun-Ling;Wu Zhi-Sheng;Liu Yang;Zhang Bai-Jun;State Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Materials and Technologies;Sun Yat-Sen University;School of Physics and Engineering;Institute of Power Electronics and Control Technology;Sun Yat-Sen University;
Elastic properties and electronic structures of lanthanide hexaborides
Duan Jie;Zhou Tong;Zhang Li;Du Ji-Guang;Jiang Gang;Wang Hong-Bin;Institute of Atomic and Molecular Physics;Sichuan University;College of Physical Science and Technology;Sichuan University;
Effects of tilt interface boundary on mechanical properties of Cu/Ni nanoscale metallic multilayer composites
Yang Meng;Xu Jian-Gang;Song Hai-Yang;Zhang Yun-Guang;School of Science;Xi’an University of Posts and Telecommunications;College of Materials Science and Engineering;Xi’an Shiyou University;
ReaxFF molecular dynamics study on oxidation behavior of 3C-SiC:Polar face effects
Sun Yu;Liu Yi-Jun;Xu Fei;Institute for Computational Mechanics and Its Applications;Northwestern Polytechnical University;Mechanical Engineering;University of Cincinnati;
Viscosities and their correlations with structures of Cu–Ag melts
Zhao Yan;Hou Xiao-Xia;School of Mechanical and Electronical Engineering;Dezhou University;Research Institute of Engineering Materials;Dezhou University;
Gas adsorption and accumulation on hydrophobic surfaces:Molecular dynamics simulations
Luo Qing-Qun;Yang Jie-Ming;Taiyuan University of Technology;Key Laboratory Advanced Transducers and Intelligent Control System of Ministry of Education;
Growth condition optimization and mobility enhancement through prolonging the GaN nuclei coalescence process of AlGaN/AlN/GaN structure
He Xiao-Guang;Zhao De-Gang;Jiang De-Sheng;Zhu Jian-Jun;Chen Ping;Liu Zong-Shun;Le Ling-Cong;Yang Jing;Li Xiao-Jing;Zhang Shu-Ming;Yang Hui;State Key Laboratory on Integrated Optoelectronics;Institute of Semiconductors;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Suzhou Institute of Nano-tech and Nano-bionics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Performance improvement in polymeric thin film transistors using chemically modified both silver bottom contacts and dielectric surfaces
Xie Ying-Tao;Ouyang Shi-Hong;Wang Dong-Ping;Zhu Da-Long;Xu Xin;Tan Te;Fong Hon-Hang;Department of Electronic Engineering;Center for Opto–Electronic Materials and Devices;Shanghai Jiao Tong University;National Engineering Laboratory for TFT-LCD Key Materials and Technologies;
Influence of a deep-level-defect band formed in a heavily Mg-doped GaN contact layer on the Ni/Au contact to p-GaN
Li Xiao-Jing;Zhao De-Gang;Jiang De-Sheng;Chen Ping;Zhu Jian-Jun;Liu Zong-Shun;Le Ling-Cong;Yang Jing;He Xiao-Guang;Zhang Li-Qun;Liu Jian-Ping;Zhang Shu-Ming;Yang Hui;State Key Laboratory on Integrated Optoelectronics;Institute of Semiconductors;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Suzhou Institute of Nano-Tech and Nano-Bionics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Transient liquid assisted nucleation mechanism of YBa2Cu3O7-δ in coated conductor films derived by BaF2 process
Gu Zhao-Hui;Yang Wen-Tao;Bai Chuan-Yi;Guo Yan-Qun;Lu Yu-Ming;Liu Zhi-Yong;Lu Qi;Shu Gang-Qiang;Cai Chuan-Bing;Shanghai Key Laboratory of High Temperature Superconductors;
Interface effect on structural and electronic properties of graphdiyne adsorbed on SiO2 and h-BN substrates:A first-principles study
Dong Bao-Juan;Yang Teng;Wang Ji-Zhang;Zhang Zhi-Dong;Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science;Institute of Metal Research and International Center for Materials Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Defect stability in thorium monocarbide:An ab initio study
Wang Chang-Ying;Han Han;Shao Kuan;Cheng Cheng;Huai Ping;Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Key Laboratory of Nuclear Radiation and Nuclear Energy Technology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Investigation of optoelectronic properties of pure and Co substituted α-Al2O3 by Hubbard and modified Becke–Johnson exchange potentials
H.A.Rahnamaye Aliabad;Department of Physics;Hakim Sabzevari University;
Electronic structures and elastic properties of monolayer and bilayer transition metal dichalcogenides MX2(M= Mo,W;X= O,S,Se,Te):A comparative first-principles study
Zeng Fan;Zhang Wei-Bing;Tang Bi-Yu;Department of Physics;Xiangtan University;School of Physics and Electronic Sciences;Changsha University of Science and Technology;School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering;Guangxi University;
Coexistence of positive and negative magnetic entropy changes in CeMn2(Si1-xGex)2 compounds
Zuo Wen-Liang;Hu Feng-Xia;Sun Ji-Rong;Shen Bao-Gen;State Key Laboratory of Magnetism;Institute of Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Effects of electron–optical phonon interactions on the polaron energy in a wurtzite ZnO/MgxZn1-xO quantum well
Zhao Feng-Qi;Zhang Min;Bai Jin-Hua;College of Physics and Electronic Information;Inner Mongolia Normal University;Inner Mongolia Key Laboratory for Physics and Chemistry of Functional Materials;
Cubic ZnO films obtained at low pressure by molecular beam epitaxy
Wang Xiao-Dan;Zhou Hua;Wang Hui-Qiong;Ren Fei;Chen Xiao-Hang;Zhan Hua-Han;Zhou Ying-Hui;Kang Jun-Yong;Key Laboratory of Semiconductors and Applications of Fujian Province;Department of Physics;Xiamen University;
Effect of CuPc and MoO3 co-evaporated layer on the conductivity of organic light emitting diodes
He Ze-Shang;Yu Hao-Miao;Peng Huan;Hou Xiao-Yuan;State Key Laboratory of Surface Physics;Key Laboratory of Micro and Nano Photonic Structures and Collaborative Innovation Center of Advanced Microstructures;Fudan University;
Enhanced performances of AlGaInP-based light-emitting diodes with Schottky current blocking layers
Ma Li;Shen Guang-Di;Gao Zhi-Yuan;Xu Chen;Key Laboratory of Opto-electronics Technology of Ministry of Education;Beijing University of Technology;
Landau level transitions in InAs/AlSb/GaSb quantum wells
Wu Xiao-Guang;Pang Mi;State Key Laboratory for Superlattices and Microstructures;Institute of Semiconductors;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Department of Applied Physics;Xi’an University of Technology;
Magnetization dynamics of mixed Co–Au chains on Cu(110) substrate:Combined ab initio and kinetic Monte Carlo study
K.M.Tsysar;S.V.Kolesnikov;A.M.Saletsky;Faculty of Physics;Lomonosov Moscow State University;
Influence of dry-etching damage on the electrical properties of an AlGaN/GaN Schottky barrier diode with recessed anode
Zhong Jian;Yao Yao;Zheng Yue;Yang Fan;Ni Yi-Qiang;He Zhi-Yuan;Shen Zhen;Zhou Gui-Lin;Zhou De-Qiu;Wu Zhi-Sheng;Zhang Bai-Jun;Liu Yang;School of Physics and Engineering;Institute of Power Electronics and Control Technology;Sun Yat-Sen University;State Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Materials and Technologies;Sun Yat-Sen University;
Recovery of PMOSFET NBTI under different conditions
Cao Yan-Rong;Yang Yi;Cao Cheng;He Wen-Long;Zheng Xue-Feng;Ma Xiao-Hua;Hao Yue;School of Mechano-electric Engineering;Xidian University;Key Laboratory of Wide Band-gap Semiconductor Materials and Devices;School of Microelectronics;Xidian University;School of Technical Physics;Xidian University;
Vibration and buckling analyses of nanobeams embedded in an elastic medium
S Chakraverty;Laxmi Behera;Department of Mathematics;National Institute of Technology Rourkela;
Strongly enhanced flux pinning in the YBa2Cu3O7-X films with the co-doping of Ba TiO3 nanorod and Y2O3 nanoparticles at 65 K
Wang Hong-Yan;Ding Fa-Zhu;Gu Hong-Wei;Zhang Teng;Key Laboratory of Applied Superconductivity;Institute of Electrical Engineering;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Growth and characterization of CaCu3Ru4O12 single crystal
Wang Rong-Juan;Zhu Yuan-Yuan;Wang Li;Liu Yong;Shi Jing;Xiong Rui;Wang Jun-Feng;Key Laboratory of Artificial Micro- and Nano-structures of Ministry of Education and School of Physics and Technology;Wuhan University;Wuhan High Magnetic Field Center;Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
Magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effects in Er1-xGdxCoAl intermetallic compounds
Gao Xin-Qiang;Mo Zhao-Jun;Shen Jun;Li Ke;Dai Wei;Wu Jian-Feng;Tang Cheng-Chun;School of Material Science and Engineering;Hebei University of Technology;Key Laboratory of Cryogenics;Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Shape-manipulated spin-wave eigenmodes of magnetic nanoelements
Zhang Guang-Fu;Li Zhi-Xiong;Wang Xi-Guang;Nie Yao-Zhuang;Guo Guang-Hua;School of Physics and Electronics;Central South University;School of Communication and Electronic Engineering;Hunan City University;
Room-temperature ferromagnetism induced by Cu vacancies in Cux(Cu2O)1-x granular films
Xie Xin-Jian;Li Hao-Bo;Wang Wei-Chao;Lu Feng;Yu Hong-Yun;Wang Wei-Hua;Cheng Ya-Hui;Zheng Rong-Kun;Liu Hui;School of Materials Science and Engineering;Hebei University of Technology;Department of Electronics and Tianjin Key Laboratory of Photo-Electronic Thin Film Device and Technology;Nankai University;Center for Testing and Analyzing of Materials;School of Materials Science and Engineering;Tsinghua University;School of Physics;University of Sydney;
Influence of RE-rich phase distribution in initial alloy on anisotropy of HDDR powders
Cai Ling-Wen;Guo Shuai;Ding Guang-Fei;Chen Ren-Jie;Liu Jian;Lee Don;Yan A-Ru;Key Laboratory of Magnetic Materials and Devices;Ningbo Institute of Material Technology and Engineering;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Zhejiang Province Key Laboratory of Magnetic Materials and Application Technology;Ningbo Institute of Material Technology and Engineering;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Dayton;
Nonmonotonic effects of perpendicular magnetic anisotropy on current-driven vortex wall motions in magnetic nanostripes
Su Yuan-Chang;Lei Hai-Yang;Hu Jing-Guo;College of Physics Science and Technology;Yangzhou University;
High-energy pulse generation using Yb-doped Q-switched fiber laser based on single-walled carbon nanotubes
Wang Jun-Li;Wang Xue-Ling;He Bo-Rong;Zhu Jiang-Feng;Wei Zhi-Yi;Wang Yong-Gang;School of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering;Xidian University;Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics;Institute of Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics;Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Photocarrier radiometry for noncontact evaluation of space monocrystalline silicon solar cell under low-energy electron irradiation
Liu Jun-Yan;Song Peng;Wang Fei;Wang Yang;School of Mechatronics Engineering;Harbin Institute of Technology;
Improved thermoelectric property of cation-substituted CaMnO3
Pradeep Kumar;Subhash C.Kashyap;Vijay Kumar Sharma;H.C.Gupta;Department of Physics;Shyam Lal College;University of Delhi;Department of Physics;Indian Institute of Technology Delhi;
High-efficiency wideband flat focusing reflector mediated by metasurfaces
Yu Ji-Bao;Ma Hua;Wang Jia-Fu;Li Yong-Feng;Feng Ming-De;Qu Shao-Bo;School of Science;Air Force Engineering University;State Key Laboratory for Manufacturing System Engineering;Xi’an Jiaotong University;
Raman scattering study of phase transition in Lu2O3–Ta2O5
Wang Xiao-Fei;Xing Xue;Zhang Qing-Li;You Jing-Lin;Wu Jun;Zhang De-Ming;Sun Yu;Sun Dun-Lu;Yin Shao-Tang;The Key Laboratory of Photonic Devices and Materials;Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Shanghai University;Shanghai Key Laboratory of Modern Metallurgy & Materials Processing;
Catalytic reduction of N2O by CO over PtlAu-m- clusters:A first-principles study
Mi Hong;Wei Shi-Hao;Duan Xiang-Mei;Pan Xiao-Yin;Department of Microelectronic Science and Engineering;Faculty of Science;Ningbo University;Department of Physics;Faculty of Science;Ningbo University;
Improvement in bias current redistribution in superconducting strip ion detectors with parallel configuration
Nobuyuki Zen;Go Fujii;Shigetomo Shiki;Masahiro Ukibe;Masaki Koike;Masataka Ohkubo;National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology;
High-power TM01 millimeter wave pulse sensor in circular waveguide
Wang Guang-Qiang;Zhu Xiang-Qin;Chen Zai-Gao;Wang Xue-Feng;Zhang Li-Jun;Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology;Science and Technology on High Power Microwave Laboratory;
Bending energy of a vesicle to which a small spherical particle adhere:An analytical study
Cao Si-Qin;Wei Guang-Hong;Jeff Z.Y.Chen;State Key Laboratory of Surface Physics;Key Laboratory for Computational Physical Sciences;Department of Physics;Fudan University;Department of Physics and Astronomy;University of Waterloo;
Adaptive Kalman filter based state of charge estimation algorithm for lithium-ion battery
Zheng Hong;Liu Xu;Wei Min;University of Electronic Science and Technology of China;
A new traffic model with a lane-changing viscosity term
Ko Hung-Tang;Liu Xiao-He;Guo Ming-Min;Wu Zheng;Department of Mechanics and Engineering Science;Fudan University;
Synchronization of Markovian jumping complex networks with event-triggered control
Shao Hao-Yu;Hu Ai-Hua;Liu Dan;School of Science;Jiangnan University;
Global forward-predicting dynamic routing for traffic concurrency space stereo multi-layer scale-free network
Xie Wei-Hao;Zhou Bin;Liu En-Xiao;Lu Wei-Dang;Zhou Ting;Institute of Oceanographic Instrumentation;Shandong Academy of Science;Zhejiang University of Technology College of Information Engineering;Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;