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Regional Geology of China
2014 Issue 4
Neotectonics,active tectonics and earthquake geology
WU Zhong-hai;ZHANG Yue-qiao;HU Dao-gong;Institute of Geomechanics;Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences;Key Laboratory of Neotectonic Movement & Geohazard;Ministry of Land and Resources;
New progress and prospects of neotectonics and active tectonics synthetical study on eastern edge Qinghai-Xizang plateau
LIU Feng-shan;WU Zhong-hai;ZHANG Yue-qiao;YANG Zhen-yu;WANG Shu-bing;ZHANG Hu;TONG Ya-bo;LI Hai-long;China Geological Survey;The Institute of Geomechanics;Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences;Yunnan Institute of Geological Survey;
Active faults and earthquake around Yushu in eastern Tibetan Plateau
WU Zhong-hai;ZHOU Chun-jing;FENG Hui;ZHANG Ke-qi;LI Jia-cun;YE Pei-sheng;LI Yue-hua;TIAN Ting-ting;Institute of Geomechanics;Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences;College of Resource Environment and Tourism;Capital Normal University;College of Earth Science and Resources;China University of Geosciences;
The active faults interaction,stress triggering and differential responses on the southeastern margin of the Tibetan plateau
ZHAO Gen-mo;WU Zhong-hai;LIU Yan-hui;Institute of Geomechanics;Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences;Seismological Bureau of Tianjin City;College of Earth Science and Resources;China University of Geosciences;
A preliminary study of the climate and environment of Yushu area in Qinghai Province based on the carbon-bearing strata in trenches and profiles
ZHANG Ke-qi;WU Zhong-hai;NIMA Ci-ren;FENG Hui;LI Jia-cun;LI Yue-hua;MA Dan;LIU Yan-hui;JIANG Yao;ZHOU Chun-jing;TIAN Ting-ting;Institute of Geomechanics;Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences;First Institute;Tibet Institute of Geological Survey;College of Resource Environment and Tourism;Capital Normal University;The first Institute of Hydrology and Engineering Geological Prospecting in Anhui;College of Earth Science and Resources;China University of Geosciences;
Numerical modeling analysis of the rotation deformation mechanism of the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau
FAN Tao-yuan;SUN Yu-jun;WU Zhong-hai;Institute of Geomechanics;Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences;
The characteristics of palaeo-earthquake landslides along Yushu faulted zone and their ages
JIANG Yao;WU Zhong-hai;LIU Yan-hui;TIAN Ting-ting;ZHANG Duo;HUANG Xiao-long;HUANG Xiao-jin;College of Earth Science and Resources;China University of Geosciences;Institute of Geomechanics;Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences;College of Resource Environment and Tourism;Capital Normal University;
Rupture process of the 2010 Mw6.9 Yushu earthquake in Qinghai Province
WANG Xun;ZHOU Yun;SUN Meng;WANG Wei-min;Key Laboratory of Continental Collision and Plateau Uplift/Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
In-situ stress measurement in Lijiang-Jianchuan area and tentative discussion on the seismic hazards on the southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau
FENG Cheng-jun;CHEN Qun-ce;LI Guo-qi;QIN Xiang-hui;MENG Wen;Institute of Geomechanics;Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences;Key Laboratory of Neotectonic Movement and Geohazard;Ministry of Land and Resources;
Remote sensing image interpretation and tectonic activity study of the main active faults in Yushu area,Qinghai Province
LI Jia-cun;WU Zhong-hai;ZHANG Duo;LIU Xiao-dong;College of Resource Environment and Tourism;Capital Normal University;Key Laboratory of 3D Information Acquisition and Application;Ministry of Education;Capital Normal University;Institute of Geomechanics;Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences;Changchun Tiance Technology Co.;Ltd.;
Structural analysis of the co-seismic surface ruptures associated with the Yushu Ms7.1 earthquake,Qinghai Province
ZHOU Chun-jing;WU Zhong-hai;NIMA Ci-ren;LI Jia-cun;JIANG Yao;LIU Yan-hui;Institute of Geomechanics;Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences;Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences;First Institute;Tibet Institute of Geological Survey;Capital Normal University;China University of Geosciences;
A tentative discussion on the seismic and geological significance of the seismic rockfall along the Yushu faulted zone in Qinghai Province
TIAN Ting-ting;WU Zhong-hai;MA Zhi-bang;FENG Hui;NIMA Ci-ren;JIANG Yao;ZHANG Xu-jiao;ZHANG Duo;College of Earth Science and Resources;China University of Geosciences;Institude of Geomechanics;Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences;Institude of Geology and Geophysics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;First Institute;Tibet Institute of Geological Survey;College of Resource Environment and Tourism;Captial Normal University;
Tectonic geomorphology and Quaternary tectonic activity in the northwest Yunnan rift zone
HUANG Xiao-jin;WU Zhong-hai;LI Jia-cun;NIMA Ci-ren;LIU Yan-hui;HUANG Xiao-long;ZHANG Duo;State Key Laboratory Incubation Base of Urban Environmental Processes and Digital Simulation;Institute of Geomechanics;Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences;Beijing Key Laboratory of Resource Environment and Geographic Information System;First Institute;Tibet Institute of Geological Survey;China University of Geosciences;