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Beijing Review
2007 Issue 9
young blood
feng jianhua
drafting the new law
the property debate
li li
obstacles in the road
zhang liangui
peace is the key
shi yongming
weekly watch
virtual world,real fortune
liu yunyun
hotel information
real estate information
warm-up for the olympics
tang yuankai
through the looking glass
a higher level
ye dabo ambassador of china to sri lanka
people & points
a step further
yan wei
owning the right
zhang zhiping
allying our markets
wang jun
one smart soul
crystal ren xinhua finance
market watch
customizing your china wholly foreign-owned enterprises
chris devonshire-ellis the senior partner of dezan shira & associates
probing the origin of animal life
zan jifang
new clues on an emperor's 'army'
zan jifang
not paying to answer
wang jun
the meat and potatoes of culture
robert t. tuohey an american teaching in shanxi province