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Journal of China Coal Economic College
2007 Issue 3
On the Cultivation of the Industrial Insight
teng shu-zhen(economic management department; yantai vocational college; yantai 264005; china)
you xian gou mai quan fa lv xiao li lun xi
su hai jian
hui ji ben zhi ling lun
wang le an
Several Issues on Universities' Orientation
liang qi-hua(school of business management; shandong institute of business and technology; yantai 264005; china)
Problems and Countermeasures of Human Resources Management in Libraries of Colleges and Universities
zhang dan(college of foreign studies; shandong institute of business and technology; yantai 264005; china)
On Farmers' Cooperation from the Perspective of Institutional Economics
jiang yu-fu(department of teaching affairs; quzhou party school of cpc; quzhou 324002; china)
wo guo mei tan qi ye cai wu guan li de bi duan ji gai jin cuo shi
li zuo ; dai shao dong
On the Independent Innovation Ability of IT Industry in Yantai
li tian-lu1; wu ai-hua2(1.yantai dongfang electronics information industry group co.ltd.; yantai 264025; china; 2.school of management; ludong university; yantai 264025; china)
On Coal Resources Safety Strategy of China Supported by High-technology Development
song hua-ling(management science and engineering school; shandong institute of business and technology; yantai 264005; china)
Market Expanding Industry Transferring and Economic Development of Western Area
li lei(postgraduate school; anhui university of finance & economics; bengbu 233041; china)
bao zheng qi jian xing zhi xin tan
liu pi
lun dian zhai yao
On the Issues of Accounting Professional Ethics Education
liang shui-yuana; yan ya-zhenb(a.accounting college; b.synthesis archives; shandong institute of business and technology; yantai 264005; china)
On the Significance of "Humanism" in the Construction of Harmonious Society
bao xin-jian(social science federation of shandong; ji nan 250002; china)
gao yue
Black-Box:Research and Experimental Development Process
wang chong-mei; mao jian-qi(school of business management; shandong institute of business and technology; yantai 264005; china)
Empirical Analysis of Ecological Construction Supervision Evaluation in Shandong
he lin(school of statistics; shandong institute of business and technology; yantai 264005; china)
Application Research of BP Neural Network in Warrants Pricing
zhang gen-ming1; liu juan1; qing xiao-ming2(1.school of business; central south university; changsha 410083; china; 2.school of computer science&engineering; south china university of technology; guangzhou 510641; china)
shan dong gong shang xue yuan xue ren
Investigation and Analysis of Undergraduates' Information Literacy
chang hong; zhang yi-jun(school library; shandong institute of business and technology; yantai 264005; china)
Looking into the Nature of Finance from the Evolution of Public Goods Supply System:Analysis of Applying the Concept of Transaction Cost
li sen(college of financial taxation & public management shandong finance institute; jinan 250014; china)
Economic Analysis of "337 Clauses of America"
zhang peng; chu xia(international economy and trade college; dongbei university of finance and economy; dalian 116025; china)
On the Legal Relationship of Educational Autonomy
dong yue-xiana; li sheng-yuanb(a.teaching affairs; b.law school; shandong institute of business and technology; yantai 264005; china)
tan nong min gong yi liao wei sheng wen ti
yu xiao zuo
Rational Strategy in the Marriage of China
zhao rui-fang(college of politics and social development; shandong institute of business and technology; yantai 264005; china)
On Problems of the Counties' and Townships' Financial Difficulty in Jining Area
wang yu-xu(college of financial tax & public management; shandong finance university; jinan 250014; china)
Management System and Scientific Ways of the Formation of Contract Price in Coal Corporations
zeng fan-wei; ma li-qiang(management science and engineering college; shandong institute of business and technology; yantai 264005; china)
Analysis on Marketization of Interest Rate in China
liu zong-xi(school of economy and management; ocean university of china; qingdao 263000; china)