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Journal of China Coal Economic College
2005 Issue 4
Reconstructing the Tax System of Modern Consumption in China with the Goal of Sustainable Tax System
shang ke-wen (finance department; lanzhou commercial college; lanzhou 730020; china)
Teacher Talk and Learner Output
wang hong-lei(college of foreign studies; shandong institute of business and technology; yantai 264005; china)
Analysis of Salespersons' Salary Modes of Enterprises in China
liu shu-kui(dept.of economic management of donggang college; huaihai institute of technology; lianyungang 222069; china)
An Introduction of Regulation and Competition in the Trade of Natural Monopoly
li jun; li zeng-sen(graduates department; northeast university of finance & economics; dalian 116025; china)
Several Issues on Implementing Social Control to Administrative law Enforcement
dong zhong-bao(law school; shandong institute of business and technology; yantai 264005; china)
Two Kinds of Theories Underlying the Orientation of the Accounting Standard
wang ke-ke~1; liang wei-kun~2(1.accounting department; fudan university; shanghai 200433; china; 2. corporation of rear services; yantai university; yantai 264005; china)
gao yue
Countermeasures of Western Regions to Attract More FDI
li li; liu yong-jiu(statistics college; shandong institute of business and technology; yantai 264005; china)
gao xiao guan li gan bu ren ge yin su you hua chu tan
zhao yan li ; wang yue xin
qian xi wo guo de chu kou tui shui zheng ce
liu guang yan ; huang yan
On the Measurement Methods of Capital Flight of China
hu chuan-lu(finance department; nankai university; tianjin 300071; china)
The System Defect and Reform Path to the Operation Mode of Chinese Pension
yan xue-ying(college of finance tax and public management; guangdong commercial college; guangzhou 510320; china)
Analyzing the Auxiliary Strategy of Small Profits but Quick Turnover with the Balance of Selling Prices
li chun-mei (auditing office; yantai running water company; yantai 264001; china)
On Administrative Expropriation
chen ming~1; yu bo~2(1.graduates school; china university of politics and law; peking100088; china; 2.president s office; shandong institute of business and technology; yantai 264005; china)
EU Economic Integration and Financial Influences of "Treaty of EU Constitutional Draft"
yu hong-yuan(research office of international organization & international law; shanghai institute for international studies; shanghai 200040; china)
jian gou zhu yi guan dian xia de gao deng shu xue jiao xue mo shi
wang lu ping ; zhang hong
yi yi dan wei zai er yu xi de zhong de di wei
jiang jun li
he xie she hui gou jian zhong de zheng fu xing wei ji zhi yan jiu
li zhong dong ; li dong sheng
On the Discount of Closed-end Fund
dai li-na~1; zhang wei-dong~2; sun feng~3(1.the department of graduates; southwest university of finance and economics; chengdu 610074; china; 2.huitong credit bureau; country credit combined bureau of weihui city; weihui 453100; china; 3.the 10th construction & installation branch; yantai construction group co.ltd.; yantai 264000; china)
zai hua kua guo gong si de ji shu you shi yu gu quan xuan ze de bo zuo
zhang zuo ; ren jun yi ; song hua jing
On Cost Management Innovation in Modern Enterprises
meng xiang-yun(school of economy & management; shandong vocational college of chemical industry; zibo 255406; china)
yi yi yu jin ji : xian dai jiao yu ji shu de ji ben wen ti
zhang wen zuo ; liu xiao dong
Structure Administration of Corporations in State-owned Commercial Bank
meng zhao-min(weifang college; weifang 261061; china)
On Constitutional Awareness of Citizenship and Its Improvement
wang feng; hao li-li(school of law; shandong institute of business and technology; yantai 264005; china)
Optimizing the Policy and Legal Environment of Non-public Economy Development
wu guo-ping(fujian administrative institute of politics & law; fuzhou 350007; china)
Upgrading China local Industrial Cluster on View of the Global Value Chain
cui huan-jin(dept. of scientific research; shandong institute of business and technology; yantai 264005; china)