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Journal of China Coal Economic College
2004 Issue 4
qian yi mei jie jing xiang zhong de she hui niu qu
wang shu bo ; he chuan sheng
wo guo qi ye shi xing wang luo ying xiao de ce lue fen xi
zhou wei zhong ; wang zuo ning ; yu wen hua
shi lun zhong guo xue xi xing dui wai zhi jie tou zi
wang bao quan ; zhang jian
qi ye xian dai cai wu guan li ti xi de gou jian
yu bing qun
jian she ping an shan dong fa zhi li lun yan tao hui zong shu
meng hong zhi
Insurance Investment Funds:Inevitable Choice of Insurance Industry
wang yan (business school; east china normal university; shanghai 200063; china)
Measuring the Underground Economy by a Fuzzy Logic Approach
cai yu-rong (statistics department; dongbei university of finance and economics; dalian 116023; china)
Expanding Resident's Demand for the Domestic Goods and Labor Service
xun ge (school of tourism & management; central south forestry university; changsha 410004; china)
Responsibilities of Chinese Government in Social Security System under the Economic Globalization
zhou jiang-tao; zhao jun-kang (postgraduate department; shanxi university of finance & economics; taiyuan 030012; china)
Transgenic Technology and the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety
gao sheng (law school; xiamen university; xiamen 361005; china )
Learning from the Western Methods and Improving Accounting of Loss of Waste Products in China
xie mei (management school; china university of mining & technology; xuzhou 221008; china)
Biases of Difficulties Encountered by Small & Medium-sized Enterprises in Financing and Its Solutions
yue yi-ding; yuan xiu-xia (business school; central south university; changsha 410083; china)
mei ye shang shi gong si xian jin fen hong bi li de yan jiu
dai xin ying ; zhu xue yi
Evaluation on the Effects of the Change of Investment Demand and Positive Financial Policy
ren zhi-peng (research institute of industry economics; shandong university; jinan 250100; china)
cai wu guan li mu biao de si suo
liu jing ; yan hong
The Present State and Problems of Financing System in Enterprises of China
gan xia (business school; east china normal university; shanghai 200063; china)
Application of Cointegration Method to Industrial Organization
wang jian-lin; xue jian-qiang; yang jiang-min (postgraduate department; dongbei university of finance and economics; dalian 116025; china)
On Asset Accounting of "New Essential Factors"
xiang zi-guo (department of economic management; dezhou university; dezhou 253023; china)
On Enterprises' Social Responsibilities
zheng shi-lin; xu ya-ling (1. management college; beijing university of science and technology; beijing 100083; china; 2. college of humanities & social science; beijing university of science and technology; beijing 100083; china)
Reflections on the Pattern of Future Statistics System Reform of China
zhu kong-lai; wang yan-ming (statistics college; shandong institute of business and technology; yantai 264005; china)
On Improvement in Currency Measurement Concepts of IAS:Suggestions of Functional Currency of IAS21 Improvement Programme to China
jia can; wang yong (department of financial accounting; shandong economic university; jinan 250014; china)
zheng fu dai li lun zhong de san dui fa lv guan xi
jiang qi min ; meng hui
On Evolution of QFII and the Behavior of Stock Market of China
pan wan-chun (college of finance and accounting; yunnan university of finance and economics; kunming 650221; china)
shui shou chou hua yu shui shou fa zhi guan xi tan tao
li dong ; wang yun ming
dian suan hua hui ji xin xi xi tong nei bu kong zhi yan jiu
chen xiao ying
guan li ceng shou gou zi jin lai yuan fen xi
qiu li xia ; liang kai ; wei hong yun