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Journal of China Coal Economic College
2004 Issue 2
On the Phase Characteristics of China's Economic Growth since the Reform & Opening to the Outside World
lin yun-hua (school of economics; huazhong university of science and technology; wuhan 430074; china)
tan di li biao zhi shang biao bao hu
yu jin kui ; song yang
Measurement & Positive Analysis of the Progress of Modernization in Shandong and China
zhu kong-lai (rural survey team; shandong statistical bureau; jinan 250001; china)
ji xiao zuo san ti
zhuang song sheng
dian suan hua hui ji nei bu kong zhi yan jiu
rong hong bo
zhong guo nong cun tu di chan quan zhi du fen xi
wang fa ming ; sun he
jin ji nian zeng fa chang qi jian she guo zhai de gong xiao kao cha
wang zhu qin ; zhang lan
bi jiao you shi li lun yu yan tai shi chan ye fa zhan
zhu zhi qiang
Reflections on Overall Devise of ERP
huang yan (college of economics; shandong institute of business and technology ; yantai 264005; china)
tan ri ben zheng fu dui zhong xiao qi ye de jin rong zhi chi
di li hong ; liu yi
On the Rise of Mordern Prison-reforming Thoughts
xu li-ming (law college; shandong institute of business and technology; yantai 264005; china)
On Current Fair Problems in Economy Realm of China
du wan-yang; ke xiong (college of politics and law; china west normal university; nanchong 637002; china)
On the Reform of Concept and System of Company's Supervision in China
li xiao-peng (law department; central university of finance and economics; beijing 100081; china)
Analysis of Relationship between Competitions and Co-operations among Enterprises
liu li-juan~1; kang su-mei~2 (1. editorial office of journal; shandong institute of business and technology; yantai 264005; china; 2. jilin college of architecture engineering; changchun 130021; china)
On Establishment of Ecological Morality View from Carson's "Silent Spring
wen jin-xiang~1; cui hua~2 (1. yantai vocational college; yantai 264025; china; 2. library; yantai vocational college; yantai 264005; china)
Suggestions on Improvement in Accounting Regulations of Non-monetary Transaction
wu heng-guang~1; wang ai-hua~2; xing lin-hua~1 (1.college of economics and management; shandong agricultural university ; tai an 271018; china; 2.college of economics and management; shandong university of science and technology; qingdao 266510; china)
Practising "Three Represents" and Insisting on Assuming Power for the People
sui song-zhi (shandong institute of business and technology; yantai 264005; china)
Warning of Public Crisis to Government Administration of China
du lin-zi (school of public administration; sichuan university; chengdu 610064; china)
wo guo guo ku zhi du chuang xin de jing ji xue fen xi
li liang
qi ye lun li jian she cun zai de wen ti ji dui ce yan jiu
liu zhong wen ; zhao jin qiao
On Law Nature of the Reward
yang qiu-xia (law school; shandong institute of business and technology; yantai 264005; china)
shan dong ge di qu qi ye ke ji jing zheng li zong he ping jia yu fen xi
wang zhong hui ; wang yan ming ; liu shu qin
nong cun jing ji ruo shi qun ti bang fu ji zhi de wan shan
liu wei zhou ; shi dong ping
chan ye jie gou yu jing ji zeng chang de pian li fen xi
wu feng qing
Exploration of the Approach to English Acquisition: A Case Study of Teaching Marketing to English Majors
zhang zong-rang (china-canada college; shandong institute of business and technology; yantai 264005; china)
tan ju min chu xu fen liu de rong zi fang shi
wang fei ; xiong peng