Bayesian Model for Tracing and Locating a Network Attack
hu zhen-yu1; 2; zhang rui-ling3; sun fu-chun1 (1.national lab of information science and technology; department of computer scienceand technology; tsinghua university; beijing 100084; china; 2.zhongguancun haidian science park venus-tech post doctorate work station; beijing 100193; china; of information technology; luoyang normal university; luoyang 471022; china)
A New Algorithm of Classification Based on Support Vector ACNN-SVM
ye qiao-lin1; ye ning1; zhang xun-hua1; wu bo1; song ai-mei2( of information technology; nanjing forestry university; nanjing 210037; china; of information science and engineering; shandong university of science and technology; qingdao 266510; china),78