Cover the Vertices of a Tree by Matchings
song xiao-xin1; 2; li ang hong-wei1(1.college of mathematics and information science; henan university; kaifeng475001; china; 2.department of mathematics; zhengzhou university; zhengzhou450001; china)
Design and Improvement of 4 MV Electrostatic Accelerator
sun zhen-wu~1; li tao~1; li yu-xiao~1; jiang sheng-nan~1; zheng shi-quan~1; liu zhu-hua~2; huo yu-ping~1 (1.school of physics & engineering; zhengzhou university; zhengzhou 450001; china; 2.institute of high energy physics; chinese academy of science; beijing 100080; china)
Wavelet Density Estimation and Its Influence Function
hou yingchun~1; song jinping~2; zhang junjian~3 (1.henan prorince shangqiu industrial school; shangqiu; 476000; china; 2.college of mathematics and information science; henan university; kaifeng; 475001; china; 3.college of mathematics and computer science; guangxi normal university; guilin; 541004; china)