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Journal of Subject Education
2015 Issue 2
The Development of the Education Philosophy of 35 Years in China since the Restoration and Reconstruction(1979-2014)
FENG Jian-jun;School of Education;Nanjing Normal University;
Values Education as National Project
WANG Xi;Faculty of Education;Beijing Normal University;
Effects of Interpersonal Relationships between Teachers and Students on Teacher Feedback and Student Behavior
ZHANG Chun-li;MA Hui-zhen;WU Jia-qi;Faculty of Education;Beijing Normal University;Beijing Jianhua Experiment School;
How do Primary and Secondary School Teachers Perceive Teacher Research?:Discourse,Identity and Power
WANG Xiao-fang;WONG Lai-ngok;Faculty of Education;The Chinese University of Hong Kong;
The Application of “Draw-A-Picture Technique” in Education Research:Taking Research about Conceptions of Curriculum as an Example
WU Yang;GAO Ling-biao;School of Education Science;Zhengzhou Normal University;Department of Curriculum and Instruction;South China Normal University;
Why Curriculum Standard is Suspended?:A Social Epistemology Perspective
KAN Wei;Faculty of Education;Beijing Normal University;
Effects of Programme for International Student Assessment on School Curriculum:Ranking,Standardizing Conduct,and the Alchemy of School Curriculum
ThomasS.Popkewitz;WUMing-hai;LIANGFang;University of Wisconsin-Madison;College of Education;Minzu University of China;
Eighth-Grade Students’ Mathematics Achievement and Its Influential Factors
QI Chun-xia;ZHANG Xin-yan;WANG Rui-lin;Faculty of Education;Beijing Normal University;School of Primary Education;Tianjin Normal University;College of Education;Capital Normal University;
A Study of Cui Zai-yang’s Nation-Centered Educational Theory in 1930s
WU Dong-mei;YANG Lin;School of Education;Minzu University of China;
Rethinking on Yang Yin-yu and Agitation in Peking National Teachers College for Women
LOU Ao-fei;Institute of Higher Education;East China Normal University;
The Advantage and Disadvantage of Comprehensive School in Modern China
ZHANG Li-yong;School of Education Science;East China Normal University;
From the Occupation Plight to the Political Demand:Teachers’ Day Became a National Holiday in the Republic of China
REN Zu-feng;Institute of modern history in Chinese Academy of Social Sciences;