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Journal of Xuchang Teachers' College, Social Science Edition
2015 Issue 2
Superconvergence Analysis of an EQ1rot Nonconforming Element for Nonlinear Moisture Transfer Equation
FAN Ming-zhi;WANG Fen-ling;School of Mathematics and Statistics;Xuchang University;
zuo chuan xue ren
On Rank Invariance of Generalized Pick Block Matrices of Matricial Schur Functions
MA Cui-yun;CHEN Gong-ning;School of Mathematical Science;Xuchang University;School of Mathematical Sciences;Beijing Normal University;
The Inverse and Generalized Inverse of the Second Kind of r-permutation Factor Circulant Matrix
HU Yan;Department of Basic Courses;Xi’an Peihua University;
Analysis of the Development of Well-off Society in Henan Province Based on Gray Cluster
YUE Xiao-peng;MENG Xiao-ran;School of Mathematics and Statistics;Xuchang University;
Optimal Reinsurance Strategies under Return On Risk Adjusted Capital
CAO Yu-song;School of Computer Science &Technology;Xuchang University;
On Predicting of Coal Consumption Based on RBF-ARIMA Model
DUAN Bao-na;The Base Department of Zhengzhou Vocational College Finance and Taxation;
Quantum Information Delay Protocol Based on the Bell States
ZHAO Qiu-yu;LI Xiao-yu;Journal Editorial Section;Xuchang University;School of Information Engineering;Zhengzhou University;
Design of Hydraulic System of Horizontal Double-sided Milling Machine Tool for the Two End-faces of Automobile Gearbox
DONG Yong-qiang;School of Electrical & Information Engineering;Xuchang University;
Research on Machine Design Optimization Based on Spatial Correlation Metamodels
HU Wan-qiang;School of Electrical Engineering;Xuchang University;
Study on the Technology of Double-loop Control for Shunt Active Power Filter
WANG Hong-yan;School of Electrical &Information Engineering;Xuchang University;
Mapping Knowledge of Research Literatures on Basketball in China
HAN Qin-ying;CHEN Bing-xu;ZOU Qi-yang;School of Physical Culture;Henan Norman University;
A Comparative Study on Single-backhand Stroke and Double-backhand Stroke in Tennis
WANG Jian;School of Physical Education;Chaohu University;
The Effect of Taijiquan on the Health of Elderly People
ZHOU Jian-wei;School of Physical Education;Xuchang University;
Study on the Imbalance of China’s Women’s Tennis and Men’s Tennis
WANG Qing-yu;School of Physical Education;Xuchang University;
Study on Bodybuilding of Rural Disabled People In Henan Province
LI Meng;Zhengzhou Shuqing Medical College;
An Equivalent Algorithm of the Dempster Combination Rule and Its Realization
LI Wen-yi;LV Xian-zhao;HAO Bao-ming;School of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering;Suzhou University;
Algorithm Research and Simulation Experiment of Face Recognition System
LIU Jian-ming;WANG Liang;School of Mathematics and Computer Science;Quanzhou Norman University;
Application of Website-group in University Website Construction and Security Management
HU Hai-na;OU Yang-feng;ZHANG Xu;Network Management Center;Xuchang University;School of Electrical Engineering;Xuchang University;
Introduction and Evaluation of the Best Free Reference Websites in U.S. in Latest Four Years
CHEN Li-jun;Library;Xuchang University;
Design and Implementation of Dynamic Interactive Teaching Website Based on JSP Technology
JIN Zong-an;ZHANG Zhi-gang;YE Fei;Department of Information Engineering;Lu’an Vocation Technical College;
A Study on the Preparation of CuO/TiO2 by Sol-gel Method and Its Photocatalytic Performance
WU Xiao-man;YU Jia-jia;School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering;Xuchang University;
Experimental Study on the Compaction Property of Low Liquid Limit Silt
LI Li-hui;ZHANG Cheng-xing;School of Civil Engineering;Xuchang University;
The Synthesis of 6-Mehtyl-4-(4-Dimethylamino) Phenyl-5-Acetyl-3,4-Dihydropyrimidin-2(1H)-Ketone
ZHU Lei;LI Gong-chun;School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering;Xuchang University;
Effects of Iron Powder on the Electrical Properties and Thermal Properties of Composite Cable
LEI Yan;GU Long-yan;Key Laboratory of Micro-Nano Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion of Henan Province;Xuchang University;
A New Type of SiO2-Silicone Oil Defoamer
WU Shi-tao;ZHU Wen-hua;SONG Jun-long;School of Light Industry Science Engineering;Nanjing Forestry University;
Analysis of the Status quo of Environmental Noise in Xuchang City and Prevention Measures
YIN Jing-qi;FENG Guang-chao;CUI Ying-tao;Xuchang Environmental Monitoring Center;
On the Construction of Water Ecological Civilization in Xuchang City
WU Guo-xi;GAO Buo;YANG kai-liang;School of Urban Planning and Landscape Architecture;Xuchang University;Institute of Transportation Survey and Design of Henan Province;Xuchang Huadu Landscape Engineering Co.;Ltd.;
On Spatial Distribution of Facilities in Eastern District of Xuchang City and the Residents’ Community Image
LI Zhong-xuan;JIAO Shi-xing;ZHENG Jing-gang;School of Urban Planning and Landscape Architecture;Xuchang University;School of Resource Environment and Tourism;Anyang Normal University;
A Study on the Structural and Tectonic Design of Scenery-park Buildings
WANG Jun;ZHU Ya-hong;School of Civil Engineering;Xuchang University;
Vertical Characteristics of Magnetic Susceptibility in Soil Profiles of Xuchang City
YAN Hui;CHEN Jie;MA Yan-song;School of Urban-rural Planning and Landscape Architecture;Xuchang University;
Study on Reuse of College Dormitory Washing Waste Water
SHEN Ning-juan;Zhang Li;Li Yi-zhe;Pei Qian;School of Urban-rural Planning and Landscape Architecture;Xuchang University;
Design of Warehouse for Logistical Construction in Yichang City
SUN Ying-chun;JIANG Pei-zhong;Department of Tourism and Education;Hubei Three Gorges Polytechnic;
On Problems and Countermeasures of Developing Low Carbon Tourism in Liu’an City
YU Jia-hua;School of Resources Environment and Tourism Management;West Anhui University;
The Applications of Welded Steel Fabric in Steel Structural Buildings
LI Yun-feng;Beijing Xing-gang Welded Steel Fabric Science and Technology Development Co. Ltd.;
Analysis and Countermeasures of Ecological Civilization in Xuchang City
HAN Bing-xue;School of Urban-rural Planning and Landscape Architecture;Xuchang University;
Research on the Construction of Selective Public College Computer Courses Oriented by NCRE
JI Chao-yang;School of Information Engineering;Xuchang University;
On the Training Model of Practical Engineering Talents in Local Universities
LUO Shu-ke;ZHANG Yuan-min;School of Electrical & Information Engineering;Xuchang University;
Methodology and Means in Teaching Food Engineering Curriculums
GUO Wei-yun;WANG De-guo;LIU Hai-ying;TIAN Wen-han;YU Xiao-na;School of Food and Biological Engineering;Xuchang University;
On the Standardization of the Academic Degrees of Author in Editing Journals of Science and Technology
WEI Shi-qian;Journal Editorial Section;Xuchang University;