The differences between silent and oral reading
GAO Min;XU Erjia;REN Guiqin;SUI Xue;School of Psychological Science;Liaoning Normal University;Collaborative Innovation Center for Healthy Personality Assessment and Training of Children and Adolescents;
Several thoughts on measuring creativity
GONG Zhe;LIU Chang;SHEN Wangbing;Lab of Cognitive Neuroscience and School of Psychology;Nanjing Normal University;School of Public Administration and Institute of Applied Psychology;Hohai University;
Client engagement: Concept, measurement and influential factors
ZHOU Zhongying;XIA Mian;JIANG Guangrong;SUN Qiwu;Key Laboratory of Adolescent Cyberpsychology and Behavior;Ministry of Education;Key Laboratory of Human Development and Mental Health of Hubei Province;School of Psychology;School of Psychology;Central China Normal University;
The effect of context on empathy
CHEN Wuying;LIU Lianqi;School of Educational Science;Jiangsu Normal University;School of Education;Shanghai Normal University;Publicity Department;Xuzhou Institute of Technology;
Fat talk: A psychological communication
WU Shuangshuang;LYU Zhenyong;CHEN Hong;WANG Yuhui;XIAO Zilun;School of Psychology;Southwest University;Key Laboratory of Cognition and Personality;Ministry of Education;