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Journal of Hunan University of Science & Technology(Social Science Edition)
2015 Issue 5
The Dynamics and the Prospects of Researches on Mao Zedong Thought in China since the 1990’s: Based on the Statistical Analysis of Masters’ and Doctoral Theses Collected by CNKI
LI You-xin;ZHENG Feng-jiao;Collaborative Innovation Center for Studies of Mao Zedong Thought;Xiangtan University;
Mao Zedong’s Literary Meaning Generation and Its Contemporary Enlightenment: Centered on Mao Zedong’s Speech at Talks at the Yan’an Forum on Literature and Art in 1942
LIU Yu-qi;JIANG Lin-fang;School of Humanities;Hunan University of Science and Technology;
Mao Zedong’s Outlook of Appointing Cadres from All Corners of the Country
FENG Ling-zhi;KAN Ya-wei;School of Marxism Studies;Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology;
On Mao Zedong and the First “Down and Up” in Deng Xiaoping’s Political Career: Focusing on “Deng Mao Xie Gu” Event
LIU Zheng;Department of Marxist-Leninist Studies;Xinyang Normal University;
On the Debates Between Putnam and Ayer about Modal Problems
ZHANG Yan-jing;LIANG Zong-xian;School of Politics and Law;Hebei University;
A Study of the Logic of Scientific Discovery from the Computational Epistemology Perspective
HOU Ni;Department of Philosophy/Institute of Modern Logic and Application;Nanjing University;
Approaching the Nature of Love in Julian Barnes’ Levels of Life
BAI Xue-hua;YANG Jin-cai;School of Foreign Studies;Nanjing University;
On Image Narrative of Jonathan Safran Foer’s Fiction Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
WANG Wei-qian;School of Foreign Studies;Jiangsu University of Technology;
Marx’s Outlook on Scientific and Technical Innovation Impetus
LEI Shi-shan;School of Marxism Studies;Central South University;
On Integration of Modernization of Chinese Culture with Sinicization of Marxism
XIE Shao-guang;School of Continuing Education;Hunan University of Science and Engineering;
Ethic Demands for Translation Industry in Go Out Policy of Chinese Culture
ZHANG Lv;HU Dong-ping;School of Foreign Studies;Hunan Agricultural University;
On Marine Economic Competitiveness Evaluation and Cooperative Strategies of the Five Countries and China’s Three Provinces along the South China Sea
LI Feng;XU Zhao-li;School of Business;Hohai University;School of Business;Nanjing University;
On the Changing Trend of the Chinese Medicine Enterprises’ Competitiveness and Its Enlightenments: Based on the Data of Guizhou Xinbang Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
WAN Ying;School of Business;Central South University;Ceneral Administration Office;Hunan University of Chinese Medicine;
Dynamic Study of Market-Oriented Model in Contemporary Sports Economy
ZHOU Yuan-chao;YUAN Xin-hui;School of Physical Education;Hunan University of Science and Technology;School of Physical Education;Hunan University of Technology;
On Game of Governmental Budget Contracts Based on KMRW Reputation Model
HU Zhen-hua;QING Zhi-qun;School of Business;Central South University;
Application of the entropy theory and base points method in green construction assessment
LUO Jia;ZHANG Kun;School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering;China University of Mining and Technology;School of Civil Engineering;Hunan University of Science and Technology;Hunan Academy of Social Sciences;
Government Services and Transformation of Economic Growth Model
WU Fang-xu;School of Economics and Trade;Hunan University;
On Zhao Puchu and the Reinstatement of the “Golden Link”
HE Hu-sheng;WANG Chao;School of Marxism Studies;Renmin University of China;
On the Effectiveness of Hunan People’s Epidemic Disease Treatment during the Period of the Nanjing National Government
YANG Peng-cheng;YANG Ni-lan;PAN Wei;School of Humanities;Hunan University of Science and Technology;
On Feng Zicai’s Historical Position from the Perspective of Modern Frontier Crises
JIANG Jin-hui;School of Law;Lingnan Normal University;
On UK’s Stance towards New China’s Right of Representation in the UN Changed in 1951
ZHANG Er-jia;School of Marxism Studies;Renmin University of China;
Saussure’s Thought on Language as a System of Pure Values
HU Jian-bo;MAO Shuai-mei;School of Foreign Studies;Hunan University of Science and Technology;School of Foreign Studies;Hunan Institute of Engineering;
Equivocation and Pragmatic Alignment
LIAO Kai-hong;School of Foreign Studies;Jinan University;
A Study of the Polysemy of “Sweet” from the Perspective of Cognitive Construal
MO Li-hong;BAI Jie-hong;School of Foreign Studies;Hunan Normal University;School of Foreign Studies;University of South China;
Choice of Chinese Characters in Transliteration and the Rhetorical Functions of Chinese Transliterated Words
LIU Li-hua;LIU Xiang-qing;Foreign Languages Department;Shaoyang University;School of Foreign Languages;Hunan First Normal University;
A Study of Parody in Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland
WANG Cheng-hui;School of Foreign Studies;Hunan University of Science and Technology;
On the Rise of Contemporary European and American Trauma Memoirs
SHI Yan-ling;School of Foreign Languages and Literatures;Lanzhou University;
On Cultural Character of Industrial Design Objects
PENG Jing-hao;WU Zhi-jun;School of Arts;Hunan University of Science and Technology;
Microfabrication: The New Method of Music Creation in the Media Era
WEN Hai-liang;School of Arts;Hunan University of Science and Technology;
Enlightenments of Ancient China’s University Culture for Modern Times
DAI Jun;LOU Xiao-ping;Department of Teachers’ Education;Hunan University of Arts and Science;School of Computer Science;Hunan University of Arts and Science;
On College Students’ Employability Generation Mechanism and Its Collaborative Training Model
TIAN Shuang-xi;MA Yue-ru;School of Business;Central South University;Changsha University of Science and Technology;