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Journal of Northwestern Institute of Architectural
2007 Issue 3
Deformation Characteristic of Concrete Beams Embedded Superelastic Shape Memory Alloy
ou jin-ping1; 2; kuang ya-chuan1; 3(1.school of civil engineering and hydraulic; dalian university of technology; dalian 116024; liaoning; china; 2.school of civil engineering; harbin institute of technology; harbin 150090; heilongjiang; china; 3.school of civil engineering and architecture; central south university; changsha 410075; hunan; china)
Application of Fiber Grating Sensor on Experiment of Bridge Pier Model
wang ri-guang1; ye xian-guo2; sun ru-jiao3; sun li-min3(1.department of mechanical and electrical engineering; anhui institute of architecture and industry; hefei 230022; anhui; china; 2.school of civil engineering and architecture; hefei university of technology; hefei 230009; anhui; china; 3.state key laboratory for disaster reduction in civil engineering; tongji university; shanghai 200092; china)
Application of Radar Wave in Nondestructive Testing of Concrete
tu wen-ge; zou yin-sheng; chen li-qing; tian ming-ge(school of civil engineering; hunan university; changsha 410082; hunan; china)
Free Vibration Analysis of Tall Frame and Changed-section Core Wall Structures with Outrigger
shen pu-sheng; chen yu(school of civil engineering; hunan university; changsha 410082; hunan; china)
Mechanical Analysis for Non-planar Reinforced Concrete Frame Beam and Shear-wall Joint
lin hong-wei; shi zhi-fei(school of civil engineering and architecture; beijing jiaotong university; beijing 100044; china)
Mesoscopic Numerical Influence Analysis of Random Mechanical Parameter of Concrete Damage Evolution
li jian-bo1; lin gao1; 2; chen jian-yun1; 2; zhao juan1(1.earthquake engineering research division; dalian university of technology; dalian 116024; liaoning; china; 2.state key laboratory of coastal and offshore engineering; dalian university of technology; dalian 116024; liaoning; china)
Present Condition Analysis and Reutilization Measures on Construction Waste of Xi'an
wang lian-wei; wei zhi-qing(xi an municipal construction committee; xi an 710003; shaanxi; china)
Displacement Governing Equations and General Solution of Circular Spherical Thick Shallow Shells
huang hui-rong1; hao ji-ping2; huang yi3(1.school of mechanical and electrical engineering; xi an university of architecture and technology; xi an 710055; shaanxi; china; 2.school of civil engineering; xi an university of architecture and technology; xi an 710055; shaanxi; china; 3.school of science; xi an university of architecture and technology; xi an 710055; shaanxi; china)
Finite Element Analysis of Static Work Behavior of SHS Truss with Gapped K-joints
wu zhen-yu; wang yuan-yang(school of civil engineering; harbin institute of technology; harbin 150090; heilongjiang; china)
Fatigue Fracture Analysis of Pressure Vessel with Cracks
guo dong; zhai zhen-dong; liu dong-po(school of architectural engineering; chang an university; xi an 710061; shaanxi; china)
Seismic-design-oriented Classification of Structures and Members and Structure Influence Coefficient
tong gen-shu(school of architectural engineering; zhejiang university; hangzhou 310027; zhejiang; china)
Reuse Mechanism of Standard CAD Drawing for Short/Medium Span Bridge
ren ai-zhu; dai fei; peng wei-bing; xu feng(department of civil engineering; tsinghua university; beijing 100084; china)
Study of Expansive Soil Improved by Cationic Additive
hui hui-qing1; zhang sheng-lu2(1.school of science; chang an university; xi an 710064; shaanxi; china; 2.department of building; chang an university; xi an 710064; shaanxi; china)
ETFE Air Cushion Membrane Configurations,Structural Performances and Material Properties Experiments
chen wu-jun1; tang ya-fang2; ren xiao-qiang1; dong shi-lin1(1.space structures research center; shanghai jiaotong university; shanghai 200030; china; 2.institute of shanghai building science; shanghai 200031; china)
Numerical Model of Loess Moistening Deformation
liang yan1; zhao gui-juan2; xie yong-li1; li tong-lu3(1.key laboratory of highway engineering in special region of ministry of education; chang an university; xi an 710064; shaanxi; china; 2.school of civil engineering and architecture; xi an university of science and technology; xi an 710054; shaanxi; china; 3.school of geology engineering and geomatics; chang an university; xi an 710054; shaanxi; china)
Buckling Analysis on Steel Plate Deep Beam
zheng hong; yang fei-ying; zhang wei-gang(school of architectural engineering; chang an university; xi an 710061; shaanxi; china)
Dynamic Parameter Identification and Fault Diagnosis of Interaction System
chen xiao1; wang hong-wei1; 2; liu bin1; zhu wen-jie3(1.school of resource and civil engineering; northeastern university; shenyang 110004; liaoning; china; 2.cnr shenyang locomotive and rolling stock ltd; shenyang 110035; liaoning; china; 3.cnr shenyang locomotive and rolling stock works architectural design institute; shenyang 110035; liaoning; china)