Study on asphaltene deposition in North Azadegan Oilfield of Iran
HE Yan-long;SHE Yue-hui;PU Chun-sheng;ZHANG Fan;DONG Hao;Faculty of Petroleum Engineering;China University of Petroleum;College of Chemistry and Environmental Engineering;Yangtze University;School of Energy Resources;China University of Geosciences;Faculty of Chemical Engineering;China University of Petroleum;
Experimental study on fractal characteristics of fractures in acidizing fracturing process
FU Ying-kun;LI Zhi-ping;HAN Ning;ZHONG Fu-ping;LAI Feng-peng;YANG Sen;MENG Chao;Key Laboratory of Beijing City for Geological Evaluation and Development Engineering of Unconventional Natural Gas Energy;School of Energy Resources;China University of Geosciences;Research Institute of Oil Production Technology;Huabei Oilfield;CNPC;Research Institute of Drilling and Production Technology;Qinghai Oilfield;CNPC;