Research of the Resistance Performance under Deep Water for the Array Stabilizer
jiang guo-he1; yin ji-fu2; wu xiang-xing3(1 college of merchant ship; shanghai maritime university; shanghai 200135; china; 2 school of naval architecture and ocean engineering; jiangsu university of science and technology; zhenjiang jiangsu 212003; china; 3 hangzhou applied acoustics research institute; hangzhou 311400; china)
Study on Mobile Depot Management System Based on IETM and Beidou System
lu hong-wu1; wang shu-chu2; wang rong-ying3(1 mentougou naval vessel equipment depot; beijing 102300; china; 2 naval military representative office of combat system in beijing.beijing 100036; china; 3 dept of navigation engineering; naval university of engineering; wuhan 430033; china)
A method of Adjusting the Track of the Towing Tank
li guang-nian1; guo xin1; yu ai-hua1; xie yong-he1; zhang jian-kang2(1 school of navel architecture and civil engineering; zhejiang ocean university; zhoushan zhejiang 316000; china; 2 china ship scientific research center; wuxi jiangsu 214082; china)
On the Design of Monitoring of Mechanical System
zhang yue-lei1; 2; yan xin-ping1; 2; yuan cheng-qing1; 2(1 reliability engineering institute; school of energy and power engineering; wuhan university of technology; wuhan 430063; china; 2 key laboratory of marine power engineering and technology; ministry of communications; wuhan 430063; china)
Research of Cone-cylinder Shell Design
huang zhen-xi1; wang wei2; li ming1; wu li1(1 wuhan second ship design and research institute; wuhan 430064; china; 2 office of military representatives in no.431 factory; huludao liaoning 125004; china)