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Journal of Tianjin University of Light Industry
2004 Issue S1
chlorine dioxide bleaching of naoh-aq wheat straw pulp
shaoguang wang ;jiachuan chen ;guihua yang ;shandong institute of light industry ;jinan ;250100;p .r .chinaxiwen wang south china university of technology;guangzhou;510640;p.r.china
study on the digestion process of asf-aq wheat straw pulp
jian wang 1;2 huaiyu zhan 1wang zhen21;state key laboratory of pulp and paper engineering;south china university of technology;guangzhou city;china2;college of light chemical engineering;shandong institute of light industry;jinan city shandong province;china
the oxygen-alkali bleaching of the straw pulp
lijuan wang ;runan yang ;zhonghai liu dalian institute of light industry 116034
influences of blaeching additives on reed pulp fast bleaching
yanjun tang;bingyue liu;runan yang ;zheng ludalian institute of light industryliaoning;china
the tcf bleaching of ns-aq aspen high yield chemical pulp
fenghua tang ;yunzhan zhang ;guodong lu dalian institute of light industry;liaoning province;china
optimizing eucalyptus pulp refining
vail manfredi
p-rc apmp pulping of the triploid of populus tomentosa
fangong kong1;2;jiachuan chen2;huaiyu zhan1;guihua yang2;zhaocheng li21. state key laboratory of pulp & paper engineering;south china university of technology;guangzhou;510640;2. shandong institute of light industry;jinan;250100;3. shandong quanlin paper co. ltd;gaotang;252800
effect of naoh charge on fiber characteristics of p-rc apmp pulp
fangong kong1;2;jiachuan chen2;guihua yang2;zhaocheng li2;huaiyu zhan1.1.state key lab. of pulp & paper engineering;south china university of technology;guangzhou;510640;2.shandong institute of light industry;jinan;250100
water-based binders used in process formaking automoble filter paper
hua li ;jian hu ;huaiyu zhan ;yi wang state key laboratory of pulp & paper engineering;south china university of technology;guangzhou;510640;china
impact of applying bctmp to wood-free lwc on its performance
kaitang hu;tianjin university of science and technology;tianjin;chinayonghao ni limerick pulp and paper centre;unbp.o. box 69;000fredericton;nb;canadaxuejun zou paprican;570 st. john s blvd.pointe claire;qc;canadayajun zhou tembec inc. p.o. box 3000temiscaming;qc canada
study on the retention mechanisms of high molecular weight cationic polyacrylamide
huiren hu ;hongjie zhang ;fushan chen tianjin university of science & technology;tianjin ;300222 ;china
three shrubs wood pulps prepared by hydrogen peroxide -alkaline(pa) cooking
feng xu1;2 runcang sun1 ;huaiyu zhan11. state key lab of pulp and paper engineering;south china university of thechnology;guangzhou;guangdong province;china2. qiqihar university;qiqihar;heilongjiang province;china
effect of metal ions on the laccase activity
xiwen wang ;huaiyu zhan ;wei he state key lab of pulp and paper engineering;south china university of technology;guangzhou;510640;china
lignin adsorption and kappa number in ethanol pulping
yongjian xu ;xinping li ;meiyun zhang school of papermaking engineering;shaanxi university of science and technology.shaanxi province key laboratory of papermaking technology and specialty paper
viscosity modeling of conventional kraft cooks
gopal a. krishnagopalan
the evolution of fiberline technology in an environmental light
catrin gustavsson;martin ragnar
the effect of transition metal ions-manganese on hydrogen peroxide bleaching
shuhui yang;yumeng zhao;baoku wentianjin university of science & technology;tianjin;chinayonghao niuniversity of new brunswick;n.b.;canada
the shear-thinning phenomenon of bagasse kraft black liquor fluid
rendang yang ;kefu chen jun xu ;heng zhang qifeng chen ;jin wang state key laboratory of pulp & paper engineering;guangzhou;510641;china
modified opal: a novel stabilizer for hydrogen peroxide bleaching of pulps
xueren qian;xianhui an;wenbo liu;gang yu;zhanqian songcollege of materials science and engineering;northeast forestry university;harbin 150040;china
research on fiber morphology and pulping properties of the triploid of plpulus tomentosa from plantation at different ages
zhiqiang pang ;jiachuan chen ;guihua yang college of light chemistry & environment engineering;shandong institute of light industry;jinan;250100;china
study on a new nonionic micrioparticle retention system
xiuwu hou ;xiaofan zhou ;rui peng ;fei wang chemical engineering college;nanjing forestry university;nanjing;210037
the study of uv-photochromic anti-counterfeit paper
xiaoxiu hao;shuhui yang;qunce feng;yuru zhoutianjin university of science & technology;tianjin;china
stduy on retention and drainage properties of the high substituted degree cationic starch
qijie chen ;fushan chen ;gaosheng wang ;huiren hu tianjin university of science & technology;tianjin;300222;china
enzymatic pitch control at nanping paper mill
shouqin chen;yiting lin;qizhong sun;and jan l. yangenzymatic pitch control solves problems at chinese mill
the effect of transition metal ions-iron on hydrogen peroxide bleaching
yumeng zhao;shuhui yang;liang shengtianjin university of science & technology;tianjin;chinayonghao niuniversity of new brunswick;n.b.;canada
peroxyacid enhanced oxygen delignification of kraft pulp
jian zhao1 2;xuezhi li1;shulan shi2;huiren hu21 state key laboratory of microbial technology;shandong university;jinan;250100;china;2 tianjin university of science and technology;tianjin;300222;china
fiber resource availability for the chinese pulp and paper industry
xiangju* zhong*professor emeritus;senior adviser;international liaison;china technical association of the paper industry;;12 guang hua road;beijing 100020;p.r. china.
impact of cooking homogeneity on pulp strength properties
bofeng maostora ensopulp competence centrebox 9090650 09 karlstadsweden
the comparison of strength property betwween kraft pulp and alkaline sulfite-anthraquinone pulp for thicker cell wall fiber materials
li li ;feifei wang ;yunzhan zhang dalian institute of light industry;dalian;liaoning province;china
peroxide bleaching of low-freeness tmp
y. ni;z. li;g. court
alkaline pulp of corn stalks
m. sarwar jahan;m.an. russel;s.a.n. shamim;a.i. mostafa;md. abdul quaiyyum
the effect of alum and metals on paper aging
byungho yoon;kyounghwa choi;myoungku lee;sejong kim
relative importance of wood density and carbohydrate content on pulping yield and product quality
technological study of magnesium bisulfite kenaf pulp
liang chen ;jinghui zhou dalian institute of light industrydalian 116034;p.r.china
study on formamidine sulphinic acid bleaching of poplar apmp
meiyun zhang pulp and paper college;shannxi university of science and technologyxianyang;chinazhaoqing lu pulp and paper college;shannxi university of science and technologyxianyang;china
study on the synthesis and application of selffixed sizing agent
hongxiang zhu;shuangfei wang;qifeng yang;shangyong nong
the cationic additives used in coated ink-jet paper
dongmei yu1;2chuanshan zhao2kefu chen1
the application of cationic polyacrylamide as drainage and retention aids
jin wang1 kefu chen1 fushan chen2 chuanshan zhao3rendang yang1
preliminary study on retro-reflective coated paper based on microglass beads
yulong wang1;2;chuanshan zhao2 tao zhang2 1 tianjin university of science &technology;tianjin p.r.china;3002222 shandong institute of light industry;jinan;p.r.china;250100
using colloidal layered double hydroxides as cationic microparticulate component
songlin wang;wenxia liushandong institute of light industry;jinan 250100;people s republic of china
application of the collagenous fiber from the solid wastes of leather for papermaking
zhijie wang1;jian wang1;zhang chuanbo2;hou xiaodong2 1 school of papermaking engineering;shaanxi university of science & technology;xianyang;712081;china;2 school of leather engineering;shaanxi university of science & technology;xianyang;712081;china
study on viscoelastic behavior of paper coating
heng zhang;kefu chen;rendang yang state key laboratory of pulp&paper engineering;south china university of technology;guangzhou;510640
effect of thickeners on paper coating viscoelastic behavior
heng zhang;kefu chen;rendang yang;zhengnan xuanstate key laboratory of pulp&paper engineering;south china university of technology;guangzhou;prc
the characteristics of high molecular weight cationic polyacrylamide
hongjie zhang;huiren hu;fushan chentianjin university of science & technology ;tianjin ;300222 ;china
effects of crc simulacrum made of oleic acid and glyceride on wet-end and paper properties of newspront
guanglei zhao;beihai he;liying qian;huanbin liu state key laboratory of pulp & paper engineering;south china university of technology;guangzhou;510640
synthesis and application of the novel pam emulsion as paper dry-strengthing agent
jianwen li ;huayu qiu shandong institute of light industry;jinan;250100;china
a new method to synthesize the cationic graft starch
lin li ;bingyue liu ;yafeng cao
study of carboxyl methyl starch on paper strength
li xinping liu ye lin youfengschool of papermaking engineering;shaanxi province key laboratory of papermaking technology and specialty paper;shaanxi university of science & technology;xianyang;shaanxi;712081;china
pulp fiber size characterization
shijie liudepartment of chemical and materials engineeringuniversity of alberta;edmonton;canada t6g 2g6
study on factors influencing ink absorption of coated paper
yanxin liu1 ;chuanshan zhao1 ;shuxia shang2 ;zhongwei sun3 ;
ink-jet print quality improvement through the use of cationic sma resin additive in paper coating
m. sain;f. correia;r. farnood;bill dougherty
characteristics of akd emulsion prepared by cationic starch with well-defined structures
y.s. chew;h. xiao;g. peng;j. c. roberts;k. nurmi;k. sundberg
surface sizing and low solids content coating to improve quality of paper
fei yangshandong institute of light industry jinan;shandong;p.r.c.;250100 chuanshan zhaocorresponding authorshandong institute of light industryjinan;shandong;p.r.c.;250100
the study of modified talc powder on filler retention in papermaking
haitao zhang;yunzhan zhangrunan yangdalian institute of light industryliaoning;china
the study on mechanism of binder migration during coating process
yun liang college of material science & eng.south china univ. of tech.;guangzhou;chinakefu chenthe state key lab. of pulp & paper eng.south china univ. of tech.;guangzhou;china
new manufacturing study of linerboard materials
lucian a. lucia
application of cationic polymeric microparticles on retention and drainage
zhu long1;2 duoxian sun1 jianjua li2
effects of processing operations on zeta potential and cationic demand of pulps
nishi k. bhardwaj;sanjay kumar;pramod k. bajpai
application of boron modified silica sol on retention and drainage
jinxia ma;yuxiu peng;zhongzheng licollege of chemical engineering;nanjing forestry university;nanjing;210037
effect of modal colloidal substances on the properties of newsprint
liying qian;xiangmin wang;beihai he;guanglei zhaostate key laboratory of pulp and paper engineering;south china university of technology;china;510640
charatcetistics of quaternary ammonium resistant bacteria from a fine papermachine system
hweig wangl;chiyu huang2;chunhan ko3assistant professor2;department of environmentalscience;tung-hai university;taichung;taiwan.
environmental challenges facing india
collagen protein and its application in papermaking
junli renshandong institute of light industry;jinan 250100;chinalihong fushandong institute of light industry;jinan 250100;chinahuayu qiushandong institute of light industry;jinan 250100;china
polymer/montmorillonite complexes: preparation and interactions with rosin acid
lihong zhao;wenxia liudepartment of light chemical engineering;shandong institute of light industry;jinan 250100;people s republic of china
study on wet strength performance of kenaf mulch
jinghui zhou;xinge wu;hongwei zhudalian institute of light industry;dalian 116034;p.r.china