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Betes World
2008 Issue 1
Tests of Glycemia in Diabetes
david e.goldstein et al department of child health; university of missouri school of medicine; columbia; missouri
Glucose Measurement:Confounding Issues in Setting Targets for Inpatient Management
kathleen dungan et al division of endocrinology; ohio state university school of medicine; columbus; ohio
Diabetes and Advanced Glycoxidation End Products
amy g.huebschmann division of general internal medicine; department of medicine; university of colorado denver and health sciences center; denver; colorado
Hyperglycemic Crises in Adult Patients With Diabetes A consensus statement from the American Diabetes Association
abbas e.kitabchi et al the division of endocrinology; diabetes; and metabolism; university of tennessee health science center; memphis; tennessee
Point:Impaired Fasting Glucose:The Case for the New American Diabetes Association Criterion
jonathan e.shaw et al international diabetes institute; melbourne; australia
Recurrence of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
catherine kim et al tments of medicine and obstetrics and gynecology; university of michigan; ann arbor; michigan
Diabetic Gastroparesis
michael camilleri miles and shirley fiterman center for digestive diseases; mayo clinic college of medicine.rochester; mn
Counterpoint:Impaired Fasting Glucose:The Case Against the New American Diabetes Association Guidelines
jacqueline m.dekker et al institute for research in extramural medicine; vu university medical center; amsterdam; the netherlands
Vibration perception threshold-a valuable assessment of neural dysfunction in people with diabetes
adam p.garrow et al diabetes foot clinic; disablement services centre; withington hospital; manchester; uk
Finding New Treatments for Diabetes-How Many,How Fast...How Good?
david m.nathan the diabetes center.massachusetts general hospital; boston